Chapter Two

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Okay guys, heres chapter two!!


chapter two


A crowded gym that was filled with blasting music which made Oliver's head hurt and the dancing classmates didn't even care that they bumped elbows as the danced, or jumped around. Oliver and Margret made their way through, getting seperated from Derreck. They stopped in the corner where Oliver's best friend was leaning up against the wall taking to a couple girls. Oliver walked up to him and put his elbow on his shoulder.

"Hey Jake." Oliver greeted his friend while looking at the girls. They were both tall, but not taller than either of them, and it was because of their four in heels. "Sup ladies." he grinned. The two girls smiled, like they actually liked Oliver. He knew these girls; one was Stacy Jones, the girl he liked since freshman year and the other one was her little sidekick or whatever, Chealsea Smith. There was something about her eyes tonight, both of them. They was a little red mixed into the brown.

"Hey Ollie." Jake responded, looking at Oliver. "You arm is on my shoulder." he raised his eyebrows, making a serious face. Oliver smiled, looking at Jake.

"Your shoulder is under my elbow." he replied his smart ass remark. Jake could help but smile.  Before he could say anything back Margret coughed into her hand. 

"Could you two kiss and get it over with already?" she asked, crossing her arms. Oliver could suddenly see the normal her, the hardcore girl who could skate better than both Oliver and Jake and usually would beat the shit out of any guy that looked at her wrong. Or she thought it was wrong, it was usually just a football player checking her out. This got Stacy and Chealsea to walk away, gigling after some jocks.

"At least you have a date." Jake complained, walking over to a table. Oliver looked over at Margret who was shaking her head and chuckling. He knew that they would never be more than friends. He wasn't his type, and he knew clearly what that was and she didn't have to tell him: Derreck.

"She's not my date." he mumbled sitting beside Jake. He looked up to see Jake's grinning blue eyes staring at him. Before Oliver could slap the silly smile off Jake's face, Margret walked over to them and he wiped it off himself.

"I hate this school." she fell back into a chair and then slammed her head down on the table. Jake looked over at Oliver, rolling his eyes.

"Hey Jake!" Everyone, except for Margret, looked up to see Stacy standing over them. "Wanna dance, hot stuff?" Jake made it look like he was thinking about but Oliver knew he would say no. Just like he wasn't Margret's type, the snuck up girls weren't Jake's.

"Fuck off bitch." They heard Margret yell over the music. Stacy didn't look like she heard Margret, but she walked away. Oliver could see a hint of anger in her face as she did.

There was a moment of silence amoung the three friends. This always happened whenever Margret went ahead and 'spoke her mind'. Of course Derreck walked up, making Margret tense up and fake a smile when she looked up.

"Yo, faggot.  I-"

"Hey Derreck." Margret interrupted. Oliver and Jake were the first to look at her and Oliver was pretty sure he was the only one that noticed she was green. "Can you give me a ride home?" Derreck's face lit up and Oliver knew he took it a different way. He was a twenty-one year old stud drunk, so of course he took it another way. 

"Of course, Oliver's emo girl friend." Derreck pulled out her chair as she stood up. As they walked away, Oliver saw Derreck's hand move around her waist so he didn't lose her in the crowd. He didn't think this was a very good idea. Margret really liked Derreck, and if he wanted to, like any other girl, she would crumble under his pressuring. Derreck liked every girl that was attractive and Margret was pretty attractive. 

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