"I Hope You Feel it too"

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Helllooo everyone, I am sorry if you are getting a notification for an update, I am just updating this page because I haven't in a year or so. But "Pen Pals With a Criminal" does in fact have a sequel!!!!! It is currently on chapter 7. The sequel is called "I Hope You Feel it too"

I also want to thank EVERYONE who has read, liked, and commented on this book. I could not have imagined it getting this much attention when i started writing it. Even if you ended up hating the story I still appreciate you checking it out.

Anyways, i hope you all are having a wonderful day, and I will be updating more regularly as long as I don't get swamped with more school work lol.

Stay Golden xx

Pen Pals With A Criminal. (Niall Horan A.U)Where stories live. Discover now