Chapter 5.

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2 weeks have went by since the night of the party. My and Brody have been talking everyday and honestly I really liked having someone like him around. But I was still oblivious to the fact that Mr. Horan wouldn't answer any of my letters I wrote. Even though he told me not to write.

Me, Kayla, and Zayn were all sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast. Kayla was cuddled up on Zayn's lap, and I was standing up making bacon. As we were about to dig in the doorbell rang. I hopped up skipping to the front door. I opened it and there was a man in a police uniform.

"Uhm, Mrs. Walters?" The officer questioned. I shook my head and he handed me 2 letters.

"You're friend isn't in the system anymore. So we can't send you're letters to someone who isn't in jail. We tried to contact him to give him the letters but when we did he said he didn't want them." The officer said as he walked off. I tried to shut the door but I was frozen in my tracks.

My head was spinning and I couldn't believe what was happening.

Mr. Horan was out of jail, not too far away from where I was and he didn't want my letters. By this time I slid down the wall earning a huge thud breaking the silence that was going through the house.

"Oh my god Em what's wrong?" Kayla screamed. Zayn ran over and picked my up carrying me to the couch.

"Mr. Horan's out." I whispered. Kayla cocked head back.

"What did you say?" She asked. I replied again but she had the same reaction. Finally she grabbed my cheeks and started to shake me.

“What did that police officer want!” She said frantically before I stood up.

“Mr. Horan is out! For the last fucking time. He’s out, he’s in the area, and I have no idea what he looks like!” I screamed. I ran up to my room and slammed my door shut.  Sitting down at my desk I started to go through any old letters that would give me a clue on where he was.  None. If he was hoping to do this, he was fucking good.

I changed my clothes in to jean shorts and long sweeter. I jumped down my steps by twos and headed for the door. A large arm stopped me.

“Where are you going?” Zayn asked. His voice was filled with concern.

“Starbucks.” I said back calmly hoping it would earn my freedom out of here.

“What if that criminal gets you? You won’t be safe without any of us with you.” Zayn proceeded to stand in front of the door with his arms crossed now.

“Get out of my way.” I said sternly.

“Are you sure you want to go?” Zayn taunted me with the freedom behind door. I rolled my eyes and shook my head yes. Finally he opened the door.

“If you need help, you know my number.” He said in defeat. I laughed and gave him a hug walking fast down the sidewalk.

The air was warm but there was a slight breeze causing me to rub my arms. The sun was just peering from the clouds above so everything was lit with a warm glow. I stumbled down the sidewalk watching the cars drive by and people make their way to their jobs. Finally reaching Starbucks I pushed open the slightly heavy metal door receiving a ring from the bell on top. Some turned their heads to see who had just walked in and others kept their noses in their books. I walked up to the counter and placed in my order.

“That’ll £3.50 Mrs.” The cashier said with a warm smile. I returned his gesture and handed him the cash from my pocket. I received my coffee and sat down at a table in the back next to a large window.

I looked through the glass as I sipped on my coffee; so much was going through my mind at this point. I have no idea why this stupid situation is getting to me! It’s not like I like him, it’s just so sudden. Could he be looking for me? No, never that. If anything he’d probably be hiding from me. The bell signaling someone else had walked into the store rang again but I didn’t bother to look up and see the person. Since I probably didn’t know them, I knew little to no people in this town.

Pen Pals With A Criminal. (Niall Horan A.U)Where stories live. Discover now