Chapter 36.

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No one has time to process what is going on, or guess what is about to happen. Before I can even finish screaming I'm being pulled through the back door. But there is no escape, someone yells. The house is surrounded by angry men with baseball bats and handguns. What? You didn't hear me the first time? Take her to the basement. Someone is barking orders and I can't really tell who it is. Niall? Marvin? My feet twist and stumble on the hardwood floors as I am once again being dragged in another direction. I see nothing, hear nothing, and feel my mind start to wander off. Before I feel hands. Hands wrap around my face and I see Niall's blue eyes looking down at me. He mouths something, talk louder. I can't really hear you. I wonder if he can read my thoughts because he bends down closer. 

"I'll see you soon princess." Is all he says, then the door closes in front of me.

Everything rushes back, sound, feeling, his words haunt me because if that was his way of goodbye I'll have to let him know it was pretty shitty.

"Emilee move your fucking feet! Let's go!" I feel Jal rush me down the stairs, my consciousness comes back to me, and the idea of going to the basement begins to look like a bad idea.

"Why did we come down here." I look around me, making a head count, I realize all the boys are still upstairs. Leaving Kayla, El, Jal, and I to sit down here in the fucking dark. Great.

"Because we have to find a way out of here. If Troy finds you you're dead. You will not make it through the night. He will hurt you in ways that you never thought harmful. He will turn you into a walking corpse. Then he will send you back to Niall, and we all know what would happen next..."

Except I had no idea what would happen next. Would he kill Niall? Or would Niall go after him? Or maybe Niall would just leave me, unable to see any resurrection in myself so he would just move on with his life.

"Shhhh he's here!" El turns to face us, the air instantly closes in on my throat. And the whole house is silent. I stand at the bottom of the stairs. Waiting for something to be said.

First I hear the door, then the floorboards creak one by one. Its one of those horror scene moments if I am being quite honest. And if I wasn't drowning in my anxiety I would laugh. The floor creaks and groans until it comes to a stop. Right in the middle of the room. Muffled voices begin, and I try to hold my breath to hear what they are saying, I can't hear at first but eventually they become clearer with each word getting louder and louder.

"Emmmmileeeeee" I hear a sing song voice call for me. A sob slips from my lips. Of course he knows I'm still here.

"Listen here kid, I'll make you a deal." He begins to yell, Jal shakes her head frantically, reminding me of what she recently said. I try not to listen but part of me keeps and ear open.

"I will not kill any of your friends. Hell, I won't even kill Niall. If you promise to come with me and my dear friends and spend some time with us. No strings, not loopholes, I just want to show you what I promised you only a few days ago." If I knew him any better I could picture the wide smile on his lips right about now. The floorboards didn't stop creaking, he was slowly pacing. From the middle of the floor to the door, then back again. He knew. Which meant I only had a few more moments to decide what I was going to do. I look to Kayla, her eyes meet mine as she silently cries out to me. Does she know what will happen if I go up there, or what he will do if I don't?

"I know you're scared Emilee Walters. I know you're hiding in fear of what I might do. But the longer you wait, the easier it will be for me to pull the trigger on one of your friends up here. Who should I start with, Harry is it? Yes, I know a bit about you. Friends for life. Like a big brother to her, is that correct? If you don't come here in five minutes you'll get to see what's really going on in his head after I put a hole through it." His voice is steady, he has no concerns that I won't go up there. My one foot reaches for the first step.

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