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 Agent John^


I'm sure you can guess what happened next. I'm going to skip the boring details because, well, they're boring.

Anyway, here's the run down:

1) The agents did enroll us in the WPP (Witness Protection Program). I lost all contact with Amber and her family along with all my other friends. 

2) Agent John was assigned to us and would stay with us to make sure we're safe.

3) They changed our identities. Gone are the Jone's and in are the Thomas's. Lena (me) Martha (mom) and Ethan (dad)

4) We were moved to Franksville, Minnesota and I was put into a new high school. Fun.

5) I rebuilt my life and sophomore year I met my boyfriend, Brian.

That's literally it. Everything in between was completely routine. Rehearsed lines, eating, sleeping, school, repeat.

And now you're here. Congratulations. That was my life for the past three years. Having Brian around definitely brought some happiness back. And now I'm sure you're wondering - how does Brian know? (Re-read the first chapter if you have no idea what I'm talking about)

Well, here's the answer.

A couple days after I had met Brian, he finally asked me on a date.

         How could a date possibly end up with your secret being revealed?

I'm getting there!

I told Brian to pick me up at my house on Friday at 7:30. I was coming down the stairs at 7:00 when I remembered that I had forgotten one small detail. Okay, a big detail. I hadn't told Agent John I was going on a date. Sure, my parents knew. They were all for it- 'What a great way to become normal Mel!- er Len!'

The tough part was Agent John. He wasn't terrible- he was agreeable at some times but overall he seemed to be very paranoid.

I had all but sprinted down the rest of the stairs to look for the FBI Agent. He had been casually sitting in the kitchen, drinking a cup of coffee. Coffee, at 7 o'clock? I know, right?

Needless to say Agent John hadn't been happy. At all. He was all but forbidding me to go when a miracle happened. It must've been the desperate look in my eyes but eventually he agreed.

I think that day was the first time Agent John had been hugged by one of his WPP charges. (I should get a medal for that, right?)

For those pessimists out there, no, I was not attacked while I was on my date and no, Brian was not undercover and did not kidnap me. No, the date was perfect. He had taken me to putt putt and ice cream. If you knew me, you would know that those are basically my favorite things in the whole wide world.

         Then how did Brian find out??

Well- Okay.


Happy? Don't believe me? Okay. Please feel free to check out the first chapter, lines 37-38.

Did you go back? Did you read it? Good? Good.

So now you know. And now we can move on.

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