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When Jonah had finally dropped me off at my house, I was still scared out of my wits. I never told him what had happened and Amber was too out of it to notice anything was wrong.

"Bye Mellie!" she called out to me, giving me a lopsided grin. I had chuckled lightheartedly and waved through the window.

"We're going shopping tomorrow, okay? I need a dress for the winter formal." Amber had slurred, giggling uncontrollably.

"Okay." I said incredulously, knowing she would have a huge hangover in the morning and cancel on me.

"Goodnight." I called out before running into my house.

And I didn't know it then, but I wish I had. I wasn't going shopping with Amber tomorrow and I wasn't going to see her again.

My parents were dutifully waiting on the living room couch when I was finally inside. They had looked like any anxious parent would, wringing their hands and absently watching the television, waiting for their child to come home.

"Hey Mom. Dad." I'd said nervously.

They swung around from their positions and eyed me with relief.

"How was the party?"

"Where there boys?"

"Was there alcohol?"

"Did you drink the alcohol?"

"Why are you back early, it's only 10:30?"

Their questions came in quick succession but it was the last one that stopped me. Memories from earlier crashed down on me and suddenly fear rushed back into me. My heart beat faster and my parents could tell there was something wrong with me.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Mom had asked me worriedly, coming to my side. Dad followed soon after, soothingly rubbing my back.

My chin wobbled and tears gathered in my eyes.

"I-I saw." I choked back a sob and took a large gulp of air.

Then I told them what I had seen.

"WHAT?!" They roared in disbelief.

"Mel, that man- that man saw you look at him?" My mother had all but shrieked.

"Yes." I sob whispered, digging my face into my father's chest.

"Tom, what are we going to do? He could find out who she is. He could hurt her." Mom wailed, putting her arms protectively around me.

"I know." Dad said gravely.

"We have to go to the police." Mom declared quietly, looking out the nearest window. Until then I hadn't realized how serious the situation was. He saw my face. He saw me drive off. Who's to say he hadn't followed us home?

"Get her in the car." Dad had said running by the door to grab the keys, locking the door in the process. Mom wasted no time leading me to our attached garage and all but shoving me into our Honda CRV.

Dad soon followed, locking the door behind him and slowly backing out of the driveway.

"Hurry, Tom!" Mom said lowly.

"We don't want anyone who may be watching to think anything's wrong." Dad said, looking in the rearview mirror. That also hadn't crossed my mind. If the man had followed and was just arriving, he was more than likely to notice a car driving like a bat out of hell in a quiet neighborhood at 11pm.

This whole situation would have seemed funny if it wasn't happening to me and my family. Witnessing a murder at a teenaged party? Parents acting like seasoned witness protection marshalls? It was unbelievable.

We were all silent as we continued to the police station. I was worried. What if he broke into our house, found out our information? We didn't have any pets, or I would've been sure to bring it. No situation, even this, couldn't change my love of animals. Mom must've seen my face in her own rearview mirror.

"All that matters is that we're safe." she said, laying a comforting hand on dads own and looking back at me. I nodded hesitantly.

"Honey, there's someone following us." Dad said, briefly looking in the mirror. I sunk down in my seat and turned my body to face backwards. Slowly, I snuck my head over the seat to see the car. Panic shook through me will full force.

"That's him." I squeaked in fright.

"It's okay. It's okay." My mother said, trying to calm me down.

"That's it." Dad said, almost slamming his foot into the accelerator. I lurched with the force of the car speeding and returned to my seat, holding onto anything I could for dear life.

"Tom, what are you doing!?" mom shrieked, her knuckles white as she held onto her arm rests.

"We can't let him follow us. Just trust me, Martha." Dad said, never taking his eyes off the road.

Up ahead the light suddenly changed to yellow. If possible, Dad went even faster,

never hesitating. Then the light changed to red. Dad continued as mom and I warned him, but we were too late. He sped right through the light, narrowly missing cars beginning to move.

Drivers yelled at us from all sides, but Dad ignored him. By now I was ready to just jump out of the car. I'd never been more scared in my life. I had always trusted my dad but this was just crazy. But then I looked back. The silver mazda had stayed at the light.

"Thank god. " I sighed.

Dad kept driving and soon jumped onto the highway.

"Tom, where are you going? The police station's back that way." Mom fretted.

" I'm taking us a couple towns away." Was all he said.

The ride was quiet and I soon found myself drifting to sleep. Any adrenaline I might have had was now gone.

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