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We all sat in a shocked silence before Adam and Dave shot into action. They each rushed off of their chairs and took their place on opposite ends of the table.

Agent Tara hastily walked to the table and set a folder in front of us. She took a quick breath and opened the folder, revealing a lot of papers that didn't make sense. Then two pictures slid out of the folder. One was the sketch of the man and the other, almost an exact copy, except it was a mug shot.

I lightly gasped. That was the man! He was giving the camera an identical smirk to the one he had given me that night.

"His name is Michael Haimos. He is 37 years old and lives in Deming, New Mexico - more than close enough to run the underground drug cartel he leads." Agent Tara said.

Aha!! I knew he would be in charge of something bad! I thought triumphantly.

"He was arrested ten years ago for illegal weapon possession and spent 18 months in prison. When he broke out he reportedly disappeared to Mexico."

"That's certainly something, but not enough." Dave commented.

"His name sounds familiar." Adam joined in.

Agent Tara shot him an annoyed look.

"It should. He is the leader of the Haimos Cartel." Agent Tara emphasized.

Adam and Dave both looked at her in shock.

"Are you sure?" They asked simultaneously. I would have thought it was funny if the situation was serious. Especially because it dealt with me. 

"Our data doesn't lie." Agent Tara said indignantly.

My mom decided to cut in then.

"So what does this mean for us?" she said, panicked.

The three agents looked at each other before looking back at my family.

"We're sorry this is happening to you. Unfortunately, this is a very serious matter. You cannot return to your house. Michael Haimos is very powerful- and very dangerous. He would not hesitate to get rid of those who are in the way of his drug empire." Dave said sadly.

"It would be best if we put you and your family in witness protection. Without Haimos, there is no trial. And you are our only witness from that night. We will give you new identities and send you to another state with one of our best witness protection program officers. Until we catch Haimos, none of you are safe." Adam finished.

My breath almost caught in my throat. Can't go back home? What about Amber? What about my other friends, my school, my belongings?

I couldn't help but feel like my whole life was about to change.

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