2: Greetings Mortals

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Hey Chezza again, I think I'm taking a break from Classy Mates as to write decently for a change, but sigh I will try x-------

Arise glared at Ms.Trough, how dare she a mere athletics teacher order her to come down. She HAD finished the exercise that the overly obese women had set them, in conclusion she struggled to come to terms with what she had done.

She ignored the woman's angered, but more spiteful shrieks, instead she looked far off into the distance of where her twin brother roamed, Areus as usual looked utterly gorgeous. He had a streak of admirers sending him lustful glances, which he proved to show little concern to. He was more focused on glaring at his twin sister.

Arise returned the hated look and that sent him packing, he began to half-heartedly jog the lap. Needless to say, everyone was aware that he could quicken his pace, nonetheless not a single argument arose.

The red-head glanced at her brother and saw his black hair disappearing off into the distance. She then remembered the stout woman yelling her over sized head off below her. Ms.Trough was still talking.

Arise had the overwhelming urge to kill the woman. Naturally she stopped herself. Now or never she thought and jumped from the top of the climbing frame.

All the other girls stopped moving and felt their heart rates quicken as they watched Arise's abnormal skills. They still had absolutely no idea why her plunges still made their hearts race the way they did. The way that she fell with not a glance back or any nerves, she created an atmosphere that not even the best gymnast could muster.

Whilst she spun you could clearly see how calm and at home the girl happened to be mid-air. When she reached the ground with a loud thunk you would have thought she would have been relieved to have gotten the ordeal over with, on the contrary she was regarded as disenchanted.

After the usual marvel at Arise, including her classmates tittering, Ms.Trough barged to the front of the newly formed crowd and yelled at the young girl.

"Are you nuts! You could have gotten yourself killed," She hollered.

Arise simply shrugged.

"Suicidal, that's what we should call you, 'Arise the suicidal brat."

Arise began twiddling her thumbs nonchalantly.

"Did you hear me girl?" The woman cried exasperated.

Arise rose her head gradually and glanced the over-weight woman up and down.

''Sorry," She said not quite apologetic at all really, "Did you say something?"

The woman practically convulsed, she reached out as if to strangle the cheeky girl and the students instinctively held her back.

Areus showed up eventually, he took one glance at the situation and calmed it down. Areus, he always had a knack for that- good old golden boy.

Afterwards the girl and the boy walked off, him roughly holding unto her arm. Areus was not only handsome, intelligent and a student GOV; the young man was also fiercely protective of his baby sister by 3 hours.

They eventually found a dark corner of the pitch where he sternly surveyed her.

Arise detested that punishment the most, he wouldn't say anything and would just glare, this was by far the worst. Finally she spoke.

"Okay I'm sorry, I didn't know she would flip like she did, I was on the top of the apparatus, minding my business when she randomly decided to get off her fat arse and order me about."

"She's a teacher," He stated simply.

"Then she got all mad about how I could have killed myself,"

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