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The grand banquet hall was broader than what Sakura had in mind. With the vast venue, the staff were able to accommodate hundreds of guests. The visitors arrived with their formal attire and fancy masks once the sun had set.

Approximately three floors high, several golden chandeliers were dangling from above while various flowers and little ornaments served as decorations to the site. Many seats and tables were positioned at the sides of the venue, leaving the center area as the dance floor.

The royal party began right after the coronation of the new King with the theme; Masquerade. Numerous people danced along with the music as others meet or talk to different individuals—all with a high rank or position.

The newly crowned King roamed around the area, rather than sitting on his throne. When Sasuke was greeting guests from different kingdoms with the King, Itachi noticed that his brother's thoughts were elsewhere.

"Do not blink, for she may be swept by another man before you notice it." He started, referring to Sakura who was speaking to the former Queen of the land.

Sasuke scowled once he heard his brother's claim. "I warned her to not go with any other men other than me."

"Foolish little brother, masks could be deceiving as well." Itachi remarked, although Sasuke still disregarded his brother's point of view. "However, you have picked quite well. When must you tell her?"

"As soon as I no longer have feelings of uncertainty."

With a sip of his wine, Itachi glanced at Sasuke with a weary gaze. "Be careful. A heart can easily break."

"I know." That was all that Sasuke uttered before he drank his beverage and went off.

Itachi smiled. He knew that his younger brother had grown up. This made him believe that Sasuke would do the right thing at any means.

On the other side of the area, two women were seated next to a round table. Their conversation continued as the visitors began to gather at the dance floor.

"I heard that you visited the Water Kingdom a week before?"

"Yes, your home was indeed lovely!"

Sakura thanked the Queen before she continued. "How was my family? My sister?"

"They are all in good hands. Your younger sister is quite adorable, she's the ball of sunshine in your kingdom!" Mikoto chuckled, making Sakura want to see her sister all the more.

"Your father had a low blood pressure on the way, but no worries, we took care of him." Mikoto stated. Sakura placed her palm against her forehead.

"Again?" Sakura commented in disappointment as Mikoto nodded.

Mikoto decided to change the topic, as she noticed Sakura's expression.

"So, how is my son treating you?" The Queen asked with her eyes sparkling in amusement.

"It is better than I expected."

"How so?"

Sakura beamed in glee as she recalled the times that Sasuke had given effort to her. "He surprises me in such occasions with balloons and flowers." She looked down, a smile spreading on her lips. "No one has ever done that to me before."

Of Crowns and Royalty (Naruto; SasuSaku Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin