20: Taken Away

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We slept near a store. Just sleeping away...

When we woke up, we were in a car. It wasn't like the pickup truck. We were in the trunk of a car that seemed pretty big. It was secluded.

James was panicking, telling me that he didn't ask anyone to bring them anywhere. So I concluded that we were definitely kidnapped. I asked James if he had his cap, covering his face. He said that he put it in the bag when they were going to sleep not thinking that anyone can do this to us. Of course, as Kiera Summers, I scolded him in the whole trip to who knows where.

"Sorry," was all he could say.

But as myself, I didn't let that sorry make me forgive him. I just got mad at him the whole time. Because of this incident, it reminded me of why I hate him and why I should continue to hate him.

All those feelings I felt for him were automatically erased. I couldn't even understand why I started to like him starting yesterday. What did he do anyway? What did he do for me to kind of like him? Oh well... at least those feelings are gone now. Which is good. It's better that way.

The car suddenly stopped. Two men opened the trunk and got us out. One had a beard and one was bald. So that just made me give them nicknames, Beardie and Baldie. They had guns pointing at us.

"Please don't hurt her!" James cried out. I just sighed. He's probably just doing this so I'd come back crying in his arms. But no way. That ain't happening.

"Relax pal. We won't have anything to do with your little girlfriend." Beardie said. I quickly denied this.

"I ain't his girlfriend! So I demand you release me now!" I said, trying to fight the Baldie who still had his gun pointing at me. Crazy I know. I know I'd get killed but I don't care now.

James eyes widened.

"Are you freaking crazy?!" He shouted.

The two men laughed.

"Feisty one you have there pal," Beardie said, giving James a little push.

"Let us go! Please! At least let her go!"

"Since when did you care about me?!"

"Ever since I met you that's when!"

"Well I don't freaking care!"

The two men continued to watch our crazy argument.

"I mean, I freaking hit you with a freaking frying pan! How could you care about me by then?!" I shouted. I screamed. I just couldn't handle it. I don't want to stay with this guy anymore! And I don't care if there are people about kill us!

"Because that's not when I first met you!" I stepped back a little. He remembers?

"Wew! What drama queens!" Baldie laughed. I shot him a death glare and shouted at him, "Oh shut up! Shut up or I'll be the first one to kill you!"

I probably somehow scared them. Because both of them put their guns down and stepped back.

I faced James.

"What did you say?"

"I said that wasn't the first time I met you," he said, not shouting anymore.

"Then when was it?" I felt like I wanted to cry, but I forced myself not to. I hate dramas. I hate James. I hate him for making me feel this way.

"It was..."

My lips curled and my stomach felt like it was being punched. This was it. The day I've been waiting for. Here it is... it finally came.

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