17: Stop Playing Around

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"Would you guys stop it?" Both of us looked at Vinz. I somehow forgot that he was still there with us.

Vinz's voice sounded angry, but James and I still smiled and laughed although the laugh was quite silent.

"Don't smile." Vinz said again.

I bit my lip to not laugh, so did James. I've never had this much fun before. To be honest, my life was pretty dull... until this day happened... now everything is amazing all of a sudden, right here, right now, in the night together with a guy named James Knightly.

Vinz had suddenly stopped walking.

"What happened?" I wondered.

He pulled the suitcase over to an old tree.

"It's already 8:00. Aren't you guys sleepy?" He asked, sitting down underneath the old tree.

"Not really..." I said.

"Not really? Maybe it's because you're having too much fun with the guy you hate."

James looked at me. I felt like I wanted to get away from here. Get away from Vinz. He seemed like he was going to kill me over and over again. I wouldn't want to go through that. He's my friend. I know what he's like when he's angry. Although he's never done that to me, I've seen him hurt other people. Well he's never really killed anybody but he has hurt girls by punching them. And I felt like I was going to be the next.

"Are you ok?" I heard James's British accent and for some reason, I think I'd rather stay with James than Vinz. I know it's the craziest thing I've ever said considering that I've been bickering these past few days all because James was with me. But now I just want to go away with James.

"If you're so mad at me," I said, "then I'll stay away from you. Come on James."

James looked surprised as well as Vinz. But he didn't stop it when I grabbed James and walked away.

"Fine! Go to California on your own!" Vinz shouted.

"I'm going back home!" He still shouted. But I didn't stop walking away. I didn't have time to deal with him.

James and I finally stopped near a tree. Just like the one where we left Vinz.

"You tired?" He asked me. I looked at him with tired eyes.

"Yeah. I guess my eyes explain it all huh?" I replied with a little laugh. He just smiled at me.

"I love your laugh."

I smiled.

"Thanks... I like yours too."

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