1: My Sister's A Complete Fangirl

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Once again, just like any other day, whether a Monday or a Sunday, I have woken up to my sister's tireless and annoying screams.

"Why does she scream?", "What's making her scream?", or "Is she watching a scary movie or having terrible nightmares at night?", you may ask. Well the answers are it's because of Wanna Be, James Knightly, and no because she doesn't watch scary movies and she rarely has nightmares at night.

If "What on Earth is Wanna Be?", "Who's James Knightly?," and, "Why doesn't she watch scary movies?" are your questions then I'd be surprised on how you don't know what Wanna Be or James Knightly is. But if you've asked that last question then my response to you would simply be, "I know right! It's crazy that she doesn't wanna scary movies..." just because. But yeah, let's go back to the Wanna Be and James topic now, shall we?

Well just for an introduction.

Wanna Be is an "amazing" boy band that probably every single girl in the world loves, except for me.

And James Knightly is my, well, number one enemy. He probably doesn't know it, but I hate him just as much as I hate his band. He sucks in a million ways.

I know it's weird and crazy to hate a guy just because my sister likes him, but there's another reason why I hate him so much, and that reason hasn't gone past my lips. Ever.

So yeah. There you have it. Just a short introduction about the people I hate. Sorry I couldn't give you a better intro, but I couldn't say anything nice about them. And I did just try to say they were "amazing". Which was probably the worst thing I've ever done. But yeah, at least I'm not completely heartless towards them. Right?

Well, pfff... doesn't matter anyway. The only thing that matters right now is to get my sister to shut up.

"Cassy. Shut up!" I said, getting my pillow and placing it on top of my head.

My sister started snoring though. Well it was pretend snoring and it was really obvious since she just started it when I told her to shut up.

"I know you're not sleeping Cassy."

She still hid under the covers.

Pfff... it would've been easier to believe if she didn't leave the sounds of her laptop and the actual laptop open.

"Cassy Beatrice Winter Summers." I said, this time walking up to her bed.

I pulled her blanket and I saw her eyes wide open watching none other than the boy band, Wanna Be's newest music video.

"Mmhmm, just as I thought."

I crossed my arms to let her know that I was disappointed with her.

And just like always, she smiled, trying to act really "innocent". I have no idea if that's the proper adjective to use, but so what? She was still trying to act all cute just so I could stop scolding her or something.

I looked at her laptop. I looked closely at it. The video was paused on James's face.

"Errr... way to make my evening more wonderful," I said trying to act sarcastic. I don't know if it worked because Cassy just continued smiling saying, "I told you he's could make anybody smile."

I just rolled my eyes and sat on my bed which wasn't really that far to Cassy's bed.

"I was being sarcastic. Ever heard of it?"

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