13: The Escape

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"This is all your fault." James huffed. He was really annoyed but I could tell he was slightly happy since he got to get out from the make up. The marshall made him.

"Hey hey hey... who's the one who wanted to California in the first place?" Vinz said, looking disgusted at James for some reason.

"Yeah well we wouldn't have gotten here if you guys just bought me a ticket. It was a stupid and complicated idea to put me in a suitcase." James said, frowning.

I looked to see if Vinz was going to reply. He opened his mouth but no answer came out from his mouth.

I sighed.

"So what? You're not gonna reply? Huh?" James asked. I grew annoyed and told him to stop.

"Just shut up James. Just shut up."

"Oh so now you're taking sides?"

"I was never on your side anyway." I said. He looked down then looked away from me.

"We just better stop this," I said. Then I heard a footstep. I could tell that the marshall was already coming in.

"You three are screwed. Especially you James Knightly!" The marshall said, spitting at James. He wiped the saliva that went on his face and frowned at the marshall.

"Just let us go! It's not like we'll do anything." I said. I had enough of this biz. I just want to go home.

"Oh I will. And you? Your dad is picking you up by the way."





This is the end for me... shoot.





I'm freaking dead! What am I going to do? What??? WHAT???

"Hey. Kiera. Yo!" Vinz suddenly woke me up from my nightmare thoughts. And thank goodness he did.

"I'm freaking dead!!!" I said, shouting.

"I know! But we're even more doomed if we don't find a way to get out of here." He said.

I looked confused. "How are we gonna find a way if the air marshall is here?" I said. He pointed at the desk and saw that he wasn't there.

"Marshall went to get a cup of coffee." James said.

"Yeah that's right. That's why we better make a run for it before he comes here again." Vinz then pulled my hand out of the marshall's office and James got the suitcase and brought it out. We made our way out of the building as well. James was able to run better now especially since he was wearing rubber shoes. Vinz's rubber shoes to be exact. Lucky for James, Vinz and him had the same foot size.

We then boarded a cab to make a quick get away.

"Please bring us to the nearest resto. I'm hungry." Vinz told the driver.

"You have money for that?" James asked him, raising his left brow.

"Yes. And it's yours." Vinz smirked while James frowned at him.

"Don't use all of it. Or else we'll be doomed." James then slouched on his seat.


Hi guys! Sorry it's pretty short but I just matched it with the title.

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