12: Airplane Trouble

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We boarded the plane. Vinz put his suitcase in the compartment place and I sat down next to the window. James sat next to me but Vinz made him move to the other side. While walking to another seat, James still had to act like he was a robot.

I giggled while watching him. There were kids that wanted to play with him though and a lot of adults were impressed of Vinz since according to him, he made "the Jamie 1000".

"Nice idea I must say," I mockingly said.

"Smart?" He looked at me with his hazel eyes and very happy smile.

I hated to break his thin string of hope but I am honest anyway, "Nope. In fact it's by far the dumbest thing I've ever heard." I laughed.

Vinz looked away. I guess I made him mad. Very mad.

"Hey. You mad?" I asked, my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me and held my hand. I quickly moved my hand away though. Then I stared at the window.

"Nope. How about you?" He asked.

I looked at him with a little smile. I don't know why I moved away. It was probably because I didn't like his touch.


"Then why'd you move away?"

I sighed, "Not touchy. Remember?"

He laughed a lot. I frowned.

"What was funny about what I said?"

"You touched me first." He said.

I looked back at the window.

"I'm still not touchy." I said.


I looked back at him and saw that his eyes were closed. He was probably getting ready to sleep. I decided to go to sleep as well.

I woke up and stood up from my seat, trying not to disturb Vinz's slumber. I'm hungry. I wonder how many hours have past.

I saw an empty seat across the plane. It was the seat James was sitting on. Where could he have gone to?

I suddenly felt nervous again. What if the air marshall found out about the little lie? What will happen then?

I woke up Vinz. I hate to ruin his sleep but this is one heck of an emergency.

"What?" Vinz frowned and scratched his head.

"Wake up sleepy head. Your Jamie 1000 is missing." I whispered.

Vinz suddenly stood up and saw the empty seat across the plane.

"What the? Where is that jerk?"

"I don't know. But we better find him soon."

"Yeah we better. Or else we're freaking doomed." He said.

I rushed to the person beside the seat James sat on.

"Have you seen our robot friend here?"

"Yeah! He actually sat beside me!" The person who was a grown up man that looked like he had done nothing in his life but play video games, "fan-girled" (like that's even a word).

"Oh and you must be the one who made it!"

"Not likely," I fake laughed. I wanted to get out of this situation just as much as I want to get out of this plane and go back home. Don't get me wrong, I love going to California but I'm just not cut out for this I got to go home. Which reminds me... Mark's gonna get mad at me once he... sees me! Shoot! I should have thought this through.

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