Chapter 37: Eavesdroppers.

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Chapter 37: Eavesdroppers.

(Hazel's dress to the side)

Hazel's POV.

It's finally the next Thursday. Yay, school is over for the day. The movie is tomorrow.

Well... This week, after Niall told everyone I wasn't cheating on him, I got mobbed...

3 times. By screaming fans.

People even acted all weird around me in class, and the teachers acted like I was a princess. It was insane... Or should I say... Inzayn... Hahaha! No? Alright, I'll try to stop.

Anyway, people kept asking if I could bring the boys to school... Ha. Ha. Ha. Yeeeaah... Not gonna happen.

I feel like I'm being selfish, and I probably am for this reason; I want them for myself.

Well, it's more like, I don't want Niall meeting a prettier girl than me, or even if I'm next a pretty girl, he might compare us, and find her prettier.

Uggh... This is so hard on me...

Suddenly there was a knock on bedroom my door.

"Huh! Um... Kinda busy right now!" I quickly shoved the guitar I was secretly playing, under my bed.

"Hazel? Are you okay? You sound like you're in a rush?" I heard Niall's voice from the other side of my door.

"Niall! Uh... What are you doing here?" I finished pulling my duvet over the edge of my bed, completely hiding my guitar.

He opened he door and walked in. "I was wondering if you had a dress for tomorrow... What were you just doing?" His eyes squinted at mine.

"N-nothing! Why?" I ruffled my hair, trying to act natural.

"You're acting really weird... Why?" He sat down in my bed.

"Heh... I am? I didn't realize..." I pushed against the blanket, making sure none of my guitar was poking out.

"Hazel, I know you. Something's up. Spill it." He looked me right in the eyes.

"Well... It was... Just... I... Uh... Ugh. I was playing my guitar, okay? Is that so wrong?" I pulled out the guitar.

"Not at all! Wow, this one's a beauty..." He whistled.

"It was my dads..." I stared at it.

"Is that why you don't play it that much? Hey, why were you playing it?" He plucked a few strings.

"Yeah. Uh... I have no idea. I know this sounds weird, but suddenly I just felt drawn to it, like it wanted me to play..." I bit my lip, knowing that sounded ridiculous.

"Oh, that's not weird at all. That happens to me all the time. I love the guitar." He smiled at me, making me feel a whole lot better about myself.

"Oh good. I thought I was loosing my mind. I used to play it when I was worried, or nervous.."

"Are you nervous about the red carpet tomorrow?" He asked me.

"Well, of course! There are going to be reporters, and so many cameras.. Too many if you ask me." I stated.

"Hey, don't be scared. You'll be fine. And you said you'd do anything to keep us together, right? Cameras aren't a problem. Just pretend they aren't there." He tried to make me get over cameras. Not going to work. I absolutely hate cameras, and he knows it. They make me look bad.

"I'll try my best, but I've always hated them. Now, why did you come? Sorry, I forgot." I gave a 'forgive me' face.

"That can wait. I want you to do something for me." He genuinely smiled.

Friends With One Direction (pls don't read)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin