Chapter 10: I Wish

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Chapter 10: I Wish

Hazel Starr

Louis was going through the rules. "Okay, so all of you know the basic rules. But... If you don't answer for truth or don't do the dare.... You have to jump into the pool."

"That doesn't seem so bad..." I said.

"I'm not finished! You have to jump into the pool... Naked!"

"What?!" I screamed.

"You heard me! Naked!" He shouted back. The boys were laughing at me.

I just wish they don't do terribly bad dares or truths.

Liam wanted to go first.

"Who to choose... Who to choose..." He was saying to himself. Please not me...

Louis was sitting in the circle with his hand up. "Liam! Liam! Pick me! Pick me!"

"Hmmm... Zayn! Truth or Dare?" Liam said.

"Dammit!" Lou exclaimed.

"Hmmm... Dare." Zayn said. I wonder what Liam's gonna tell him to do.

"I dare you... To... Eat whatever I give you! Stay here! I'll be right back!" Liam ran to a different room.

We were all sitting in the circle looking at each other questionly.

We heard Liam fumbling around in the kitchen. Zayn looked scared. Oh dear...

Liam ran out. He was holding some sort of bowl with mushy stuff in it. It looked horrifying.

"Alrighty! You have to eat at least a spoon full!" Liam said.

"Oh, and you have to go get the spoon yourself. I'm lazy." Liam said.

I did read somewhere that he has a fear of spoons. Why is he scared of spoons? Oh well.

Zayn got up to get a spoon.

He came out holding a baby teaspoon.

It was fricken tiny.

Liam looked at him disappointingly.

"What?! I'm not gonna eat a tablespoon of that shit!" Zayn said innocently.

We were all laughing now.

"Liam... What is in that bowl..?" I asked.

We were all thinking the same thing.

"Um... From what I remember... Yoghurt, chocolate sauce, the left over potato salad from last night, soy sauce, water, and.... Umm... I think the packet said chocolate powder..." Liam said the whole list.

Ew... I wouldn't have the guts to eat that...

"That's disgusting..." Zayn shook his head, "But I have to eat it... I am not going in that pool... Especially not naked." he said as he put the spoon to his lips slowly... And ate it.

Zayn swallowed...

"Ah! Why is it so hot?" Zayn screamed.

Why is it hot?

"Whoops... I thought the packet said chocolate powder. But now that I think about it... I think I put a lot of chili powder in there..." Liam laughed.

Hahaha. Hilarious.

"Ah!" Zayn threw the spoon at Liam.

"Hey!" Liam shouted and hid behind the couch.

"Water! I need water!" Zayn screamed and ran into the kitchen to drink some.

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