Chapter 8: The Towel #2

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Chapter 8: The Towel #2

Harry Styles {Back to When the towel fell off}

I heard Louis shout "Yay! We're going to see Kat!"

So I ran down stairs.

What can I say? I love pussy cats!

I thought it was only the lads down stairs so I shouted "WHAT CAT? I WANNA SEE THE PUSSY CAT!"

But that's when I saw her. The most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

Her chocolate-brown wavy hair flowing past her shoulders.

Her bright blue eyes were the colour of the sky on a beautiful sunny day.

She was standing close to Niall. He must of met her today, because he would have told us about this mysterious girl.

She was just shorter than Niall. She was looking at me.

Oh, god. Why am I so nervous?

And that's when I got to close to the banister and I felt something tug. Oh well. I just want to talk to her.

I got to the bottom of the staircase and she screamed.


She looked horrified. Am I that scary in a towel? Niall covered her eyes. Well thanks, is he pretending to be scared too? I looked down.

"Where's my towel?" I shouted.

That was so embarrassing, I don't even know her name and she's seen me naked. Great.

"Cover it up Harry!" Liam said.

"I think you blinded Hazel!" Zayn said.

Hazel? Is that her name? It's almost as beautiful as she is.

"Niall! Uncover her eyes! I think she liked what she saw!" Louis shouted.

Hmmm. I wonder if she did...? Na... She looked horrified. Louis' just being an ass.

"Somebody grab the towel!" Niall said seriously.he probably likes her.

Liam threw the towel at me and broke my train of thought. I quickly wrapped the towel around me and said "The towels on! Is that Hazel?"

The boys nodded. Niall took his hands away from her eyes. She quickly covered her eyes again, without even attempting to look at me.

Damn. I must've scared her.

"Hazel, trust me. The towel is on now." Niall said, and she slowly uncovered her eyes.

She must trust him. I smirked at her "So.... Is your name Hazel, love?"

"Yeah. I'm Hazel. You must be Harry." she smiled.

I shook her hand and kissed it. Wow. Her hand was so soft, and she even smelt like lavender. It was divine.

She and Niall explained how they met.

I was really jealous of Niall. They practically had a date at Nandos. Then she explained about the cat situation.

Her sister is called Kat an is a big fan.

It would be cool if there was a cat involved... "Well it's good to meet you, Hazel. I'll meet Kat for you." I told her.

"Thanks. Oh.. Harry, by the way... She's in love with you."

"Ahh, please... Everyone is! I mean, look at me! I'm stunning!" I tried to pose like a model.

They all smirked at me and she gave me a friendly punch on the arm.

"Hahaha, sure you are..." She said. And here comes the butterflies... Sure enough I'm nervous around her.

I tried not to show it.

"Who's up to watching Toy Story?!" Liam said excitedly.

Oh dear... He's crazy about Toy Story...

"Sure!" I said. Everyone else agreed with me.

I went up stairs to get dressed. I prefer just a towel rather than wearing just clothes.

I like to feel free rather than be covered with clothes. I walked back down stairs and sat on the couch that Liam was sitting on.

Louis and Zayn were sitting together all snugly in a blanket.

Liam got a blanket for us. The other couch had no one on it.

"Where's Niall and Hazel?" I asked.

"I saw them sneak off to the other room. I wonder what they are doing in there..." Louis trailed off leaving a dramatic pause.

Now I'm a bit worried.

"You liar, Louis! Hazel needed to talk to Niall for a sec." Liam answered truthfully.

I breathed out a sigh of relief... Whoops. That was a big mistake.

"I heard that Harry! You like Hazel don't you?Don't you?!" Louis shouted but low enough that she and Niall couldn't hear.

I looked at him. "..."

I couldn't say anything. I didn't know what to say...

"You do! Hahaha! You like Hazel!" Louis shouted.

"Shut up, Louis!" I said.

"Harry... You know that, if Niall does like Hazel, your gonna have to let her go, right?" Liam said in a hushed tone.

"We'll just have to see who gets her first..." I trailed off.

Niall and Hazel walked back into the room... Holding hands? They only just met today!

Hazel was laughing with Niall as he pulled her onto the couch.

She looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes and smiled.

I smiled back weakly, hoping she wouldn't notice Louis staring at me.

Jeez Louis... Way to make it obvious.

Liam passed them a blanket and Niall and Hazel snuggled up together.

I felt a tear start to form. I forced it way and tried to laugh it off while watching the movie.

I just could help thinking that Hazel was in Niall's arms...

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