Chapter 25: I Would

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Chapter 25:

Niall's POV.

She hung up.

Wow, wow long have we been talking? Two or three hours? Who cares, all I know, is that we're best friends. And that I like her.

And I think she likes me back.

Shame Harry, in your face, you big curly potato!

Maybe I should say that to him.

Nah, better not.

I turned around and found Kevin on the floor. His head had fallen off. Oh yeah. I threw him against the wall the other day.


I can't tell Lou, he'd kill me. This is why I should fix him.

I picked the two pieces and studied them. I'm going to need glue for this.

Suddenly my door bursted open.

Louis. I swear Kat and him are so alike.

I quickly shoved the pieces of Kevin into the draw and looked up at him, trying to act normal.

"What are you doing?" Louis asked.

I started whistling, "Nothing much..." I looked off into the distance.

"Really? It looked like you were hiding something." He eyed me suspiciously.

"Don't know what you're talking about, mate..." I didn't make eye contact.

"Huh. Well, anyway. I came to see if Kevin was in here." He said.

"Kevin? That stupid toy pigeon thing?" I asked.

"He's not stupid! He just doesn't have a brain! I remember I had him in here last." He trailed off as he looked at my pigsty of a room.

"Well, I don't see any pigeon in here." I lied.

"Are you sure you haven't seen him?" He asked sadly.

"Well, I don't like pigeons, so I don't think I'd keep one in here." I said.

"Fine, I believe you... This time." he said in a mexican accent and walked out. Whew.

Now, where's glue? I was looking under tons of clothes on my floor, when I had a hunch. That I was not going to find any in here.

Who can I trust to not tell Lou about the bird, and will give me glue? Obviously Liam.

I walked into Liam's room, to find him hitting a boxing bag thing that was hanging on the roof. He didn't notice me walk in.

"Watcha doing?" I asked him, just leaning against the wall.

He jumped, "Niall! You startled me! I could've hurt you! Don't do that again!" He lectured.


"Ugh, I'm sorry for shouting. All goods?" He asked.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"So what do you need?" He asked, talking his boxing gloves off.

"Just some glue."

"Glue? Why do your need glue?" He questioned.

"Um, I kind of broke Kevin's head off and I need to fix it before Louis finds it" I admitted.

"Kevin? The stupid pigeon toy that Lou talks to?" Liam asked, obviously understanding what I said.

"Exactly! The bird is stupid!" I exclaimed.

"Anyway, back to the point. So, you're saying Kevin's head fell off. How?" He asked.

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