Chapter 43: She's Not Afraid

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Niall. The boy I fell in love with, is closer than I thought.

We stayed staring at each other, until he broke the lingering silence.


He remembers me?


Hazel's POV.

"Niall..." I fell into his arms and bursted into tears.

"Hazel... Hazel... Shh..." he whimpered, holding me close.

"I-I thought everything went back to

n-normal..." I closed my eyes tightly, hoping that this wasn't a dream this time.

"I hated every second of it, without you." he pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"Why don't they remember?" I asked.

"We do." We both turned to see Kat in the doorway, with the other One Direction boys behind her.

"Wait, what?!" Niall shouted.

"This is what you get when you mess with Katherine Alice Starr." she stated.

"And the other guys of One Direction!" Louis added.

"Wait, this was all a prank?" I'm horrified.

"Yep. Me and Louis decided that when you pretended to be 'engaged', we thought you two should have a 'split'. Ha, and it lasted a lot longer than we expected. More than 24 hours." she smirked.

"Louis! I swear I'm going to punch you when we get home!" Niall said.

"Ah! Liam! Help!" Louis hid behind him.

"And, Liam, why did you do it?" I asked, standing my ground, with Niall holding my hand. Now that we have each other, it's going to be hard to leave each other again.

"They forced me to!" he said.


"They threatened to break my CD collection..." he looked down at his feet.

"Zayn?" I asked for his reasons.

"Um..." he looked down at his feet too. "It seemed fun at the time, I guess..."

"Harry?" I asked.

"Uh, it seemed fun to me, as well." he stated.

"Do you know how hurt I was without Niall? It felt like nothing was important to me anymore. I really thought I'd never see you guys again. That tore me apart. When I saw you in there, I had hope. But then you said you didn't know me, and it was too much for me to handle at once. You don't know how empty I felt. It felt like the time before I met you guys. Depressing." I said.

Niall squeezed me tighter. "I felt the same." he whispered in my ear so no-one could hear.

"I'm sorry, Hazel. Don't be sad." Harry said and gave me a hug.

"Just don't do it again." I gave him a tight hug back, since I actually believed I never thought I'd get a hug from him again.

"I'm sorry, too." Zayn said, and gave me a hug.

Liam did the same.

I turned to Louis, who was looking away, thinking I didn't want a hug from him since he was one of the ones who thought of the idea in the first place.

"Louis, come here." I walked over to him and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm sorry. It was just supposed to be a harmless joke." he said.

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