Chapter 2 Is This The End?

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Where am I? Why is everything dark? Am I dead? Why can't I see the world around me? I tried to open my eyes, but the pain and sleep said no. Will my foster family find my dead body? Burned up from the fire? Wait, the fire! I was there, but everything is cloudy. It's like someone or something doesn't want me to remember. Wait, the hand that came to get me? Was it death? I bet it was death, carrying me to my grave. Meh, I was waiting for him. DAMMIT I FORGOT HIS AUTOGRAPH!!!!!!
"Will she ever wake up?" A girly voice said.
"She is unconscious, so it will take some time." A nerd voice replied.
"She better hurry up. I will end the pain for her if she doesn't wake up-" A tomboy started.
I heard a punch. "Just wait you violent idiot." A stern voice said.
"Everybody I know we want to meet this young lady," A bold voice started.
"I DONT!!!!!" The same tomboy voice yelled.
"But we will give her some time to heal up. She was in a fire after all."
"Good thing she wasn't in this dude's storm! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Said the tomboy voice.
"Don't you start cussing boy." The bold voice returned.
"Could I stay with her?" A soft voice said.
"Well, if you want to."
I heard footsteps walk out of, well, wherever I was. I thought Am I really dead? Probably not.
"I know you maybe able to hear me, but please, when you wake up, don't run. We are here to help you. I promise that nobody will hurt you. Just please, listen to us and we will explain everything to you." The soft voice was soothing and made me tired. I tried to listen to her, but the darkness had returned, so I would never know what she said.

* * *

Light. That was all I saw when I woke up. Did I hear voice or was that my mind playing tricks? I tried to sit up, but I was tied down. What? Why am I like this? That girl told me I was safe. ARGH!!!!!! Why did I believe that little brat for a second!! I start to struggle with the restraints containing me. But, it seems as I keep on moving, they grow tighter against my legs and wrists. What the hell is going on? I study the room around me. The walls are white, the chair I'm in is white, the ceiling is white, EVERYTHING IS WHITE!!!! Wait, as I look at the walls, they are patted. Great. I'm in a patted cell, restainted to the chair I'm laying on. Am I in an asylum? I wouldn't be surprised. I always needed help.
Time went by. I start to grow hungry. Damn this people. They think they are the alpha. Well, guess what? I'm here. I struggle again and again but the restrains are growing so tight, I can't feel my hands. But, who need hands when you can escape by cutting off your hands!! Wait, that is a bad idea. I kind of need them for life. I try my feet now, but it's the same thing. More you
struggle, the tighter they get. I decided that these people needed to hear my mouth and my words.
"Hey motherf*ckers!!!!!! You better f*cking help me or I will b*tch slap the sh*t out of your ass!!!!!!! These f*cking restrains wouldn't keep me here forever and whatever you sl*ts need, you can find out by sucking a nice, thick, juicy DI-"
"Filling the cell with sleeping gas in 3..2..1"
"Damn it" I said.
I saw the gas fill the room quickly and felt the sleepiness kick in fast. You have to be kidding me? After all that, I was going to be forced to sleep. I tried to fight the urge, but then a voice said, "Don't struggle. You will fall asleep no matter what you do."
"Go suck a.... D*CK YOU WH*RE!!!!!!!" I screamed. I will not lose to gas, no matter the cost. I now remember how sleep works. How to avoid it is to have light in eye sight. Good. This has to work. I stare at the light from the ceiling. The urge to sleep is still there, but it is weaker.
"WHAT?!?!? HOW ARE YOU NOT ASLEEP?!?!?!" The voice asked.
"It's called having a brain. Maybe you should get one." I smiled.
"CODE GREEN!!!! CODE GREEN!!!! PLA .4 PLEASE COME TO THE PATTED CELL!!!" The voice screamed for everyone in the galaxy to hear.
Footsteps can be heard from outside this cell. A door came into voice and a 13 year old girl walked in.
"So, you are the one to not sleep, huh?" She asked.
"What do you think? You thought we were going to have a tea party?" I smirked.
"Oh, you want to fight me then? Ok, fine" she smirked back out me.
Before I saw what happened, she punched me in the face. She smiled at the sight of blood coming out of my nose.
I smiled. "What you thought that hurt? Try again."
Her smile faded as she went in for another punch. More blood came from my nose. I couldn't breathe, but who cares?
   "Wow, thanks!! You got that itch from my nose!!" I said.
   "You think I play around?" She asked as she pulls a gun from her side. I'm not scared because I know she would be punished if she shot that gun at me. She pointed it at my chest.
   "Go ahead, shoot. I don't care. I don't want to be alive." I said to her. This girl was acting brave, but she was too beautiful to be a threat. She closed her eyes and BOOM!!!!!!! The gun went off. I felt the pain. All the nerves broken. Them sending their last signal. I couldn't help but scream. What else could I do? 5 people ran in to see the mess. Blood all over the white walls and on me. The darkness knocking on my door, but I refuse to answer it. Two people tackled the girl who shot me. The other 3 ran up to me and released me. I was falling to the ground, then they all catch me. I felt the blood coming into my mouth. I never thought this would happen to me.
   "Listen to me. We 5 are here to help you. You were stolen from us, but we are not your enemy. Please do not fight us."
   How can I fight you? It's 5 against 1 and that 1 person was just shot. Well, I can't even fight or move. It's like the muscles in my body just shut down. We run through lots of hallways, me losing more blood. The darkness is now pounding on the door. I still don't open that door. We finally get to a door that, when opened, gets us outside. There is a van there, waiting.
   "MAR, OPEN THE DOOR" One of the men screamed. The door opened and there was 3 girls there. One was a nerd, another was a beauty queen, and the last one was a tomboy. I can't see their faces due to the black edges coming.
   "The other two will come later, now book it!!!" Another man yelled. The van started to move.
   "We need to get the bullet out of her. It is still in her and, if not removed, can and will kill her." The nerd said.
   A scalpel was handed to the nerd. I tried to move away from her, but the boy who told me to trust them held me down. I struggled to get out of his grasp, but with the blood loss, his grasp was like iron.
   He looked at me and said, "Just calm down. This won't hurt you at all."
   I gave him a frown. Then I felt the scalpel dig into my skin. I tried to wiggle out of his grasp and did, only to be push down again by a different man.
A younger one. 
   "You need to clam down, please. We are trying to help you." He said.
   The last words I heard before the darkness broke down the door were, "We are your friends trying to save you."

The Last Lieजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें