
Toothless landed in the cove, and I jumped quickly off him. I removed my helmet, tossing it to the ground with a small sigh. My eyes and mind burned with hope of revenge, but I took a few moments to praise him. I forced out a smile, scratching his chin.

"Thank you bud." I murmured. "You mean the world to me." He crooned in response, rubbing his head happily up against my torso. I embraced him in a fleeting moment of happiness.

The happiness was short-lived. 

"Why did you do that, Hiccup?" Came a soft and familiar voice. 

I whipped around, coming face to face with Heather and her Razorwhip.

"None of your business." I muttered. The anger of a few seconds ago came flooding back.

She crossed her arms. "Actually, it's all of my business."

"How the hell do you reckon that?"

"Well, for one thing, we have common enemies. And, uh, based on that book I think you're targeting Berk to save dragons. And I want to save dragons too, even if that's not how I would go about it."

My gaze sharpened in intensity. I sent her a bone-shattering glare. "You followed me? You read that book?"

"Yeah, it was quite interesting. Good at romanticizing dragons." She said with a small smirk. 

"Why do you even care? I'm going to either re-make Berk, or destroy it for good. Again, it has nothing to do with you. There's a whole world out there- go worry about that instead."

"You don't want to know about a lot of the world out there, oh wise one. It's filled with dragon hunters- many smarter than both of us. Many as powerful as Drago. There are good parts, obviously, but they don't come up often." Her voice was laced with irritation.

"This has nothing to do with anything, Heather. It doesn't matter if we both care about dragons. It doesn't matter if we both want to destroy Drago. I have my own, personal, business here. You want no part in it."

She snorted in annoyance. "I want every part of it. I'm not afraid of petty Berkians, and I can be useful."

I took a threatening step towards her, and Toothless growled at her Razorwhip. "I don't trust you. Hell, why should I?" I waved my arms upward in annoyance. 

She gave me a measuring glance. "Because I'm the only person you've got."

I curled my lip. "I don't need a person in my life, thank you very much.

Her smirk finally broke and she violently pushed me away. "What if I do, Hiccup? What if I want to help simply because I want to be a good person, because I wasn't before?"

I stumbled backwards, not falling because of Toothless's help. I sent her a chilling glare. "I'm not a good person. I most definitely won't help you become one."

"You're better than I was, at least. Better than Drago. Better than Alvin. Better than all those dragon killers out there." She mumbled under her breath. "Dagur, Ryker, Viggo, Eret." And a few more names I couldn't catch.

I took a deep breath, my anger fading. "Then there's only one problem. Again, I don't trust you." My voice dropped threateningly low, though my eyes showed growing amounts of sympathy. 

She looked to the ground, then back to me. "You shouldn't. You're smarter than that."

I had no words as I pushed back every snappy comeback racing through my mind. 

She continued after a moment. "I'll... I'll just stay here. In this Cove. Ignore me if you want, but I'll be here if you want me."

My mind again plunged into doubt. She would know everything I was doing. I didn't want it. But a small voice in my mind said- wouldn't it be better to have her as an ally, than as an enemy? I didn't push the thought away. Having an intelligent enemy riding a razorwhip would do me no good.

"Fine." I murmured, sending her a confused glance. As my anger fell away, I was more convoluted than ever. I chose to push it away, focusing on my next steps for the future. 

Heather walked away, calling to "Windshear" to follow her to the opposite end of the clearing. 

I turned to Toothless. It was still midday. I had nothing to do until night, when I hoped I could sneak into the village to confront one... particular person. 

"Let's go on a flight, bud."

A/N: Ok but this entire story is unedited. So please don't judge, haha. I'll go back through and edit it eventually, but I'm way too lazy atm. 

Also expect a lot of chapters to be put up as of now. I'm doing Camp Nanowrimo with this as my "project" and I'm shooting for like 25 more chapters by the end of the month. So yeah, see y'all around.

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