He's my Mate.....

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I love him....I loved him....I still do......


That's what we are. People say that were dangerous.....but were really not. I wish they would see that. We hunt. Well,I don't.not yet. I won't...I can't until my birthday next week.Six days. August 12th. Six more days and I'll be 18. It's not like I have a choice really. My pack will force me to shift and even if I refuse, the CONVENT of the full moon will force me to. A ceremony is held for every new member to our pack on their 18th birthday. I'm so nervous, because I feel like I'm gonna turn into an UGLY wolf. I don't want to scare my mom, she hasn't never even seen a werewolf, father refuses to shift in front or her for fear or scaring her. Then there's the part I dread the most. I've been trying to find a way to avoid that day ever since I met him. Part of the ceremony is that I have to find my mate. Someone who I will spend all of my life/wolf life with.

But......I already found.....him

His name is Niall.............Niall Horan

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