17- The Guys

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It took them a few days to get here because they had to pack some things, knowing they were going to be here for a while. My black eye seemed to look worse every day, it looks darker than what it was the first time. It was a little after 12 in the afternoon when Jerome and Jason showed up. I smiled when I seen them pull up, and went outside to help with their stuff.

They both saw me and both came up to hug me, smiling. Afterwards, they both looked at me with sad smiles.

"How've you been, Adam?" Jerome asked. I took a breath.

"I've felt pretty lonely to be honest, even with the dogs..."

"Well we're here now, so you're not alone anymore." He said with a small smile. 

"We're gonna find him, no matter how long it takes." Jason said. "I'm not leaving till we find him."

"Me neither," said Jerome. "I'm sure Mitch and Tyler would agree."

"But what if it takes months to find him?" I said a little sadly.

"Then we're gonna be here for months until we find him." Jason said with a smile. "Hope you don't mind." He added, which I laughed a little at.

"I don't mind. It's better than being by myself."

"Good," He grinned. "Now we should probably bring our stuff inside now." 

"Right." I said, chuckling. I helped them with a couple of their bags and brought them upstairs to the spare room. Luckily I had dressers in there for them too, so they don't need to keep everything in their bags.

"Sorry for the lack of beds," I said sheepishly, smiling a little. "The only other bed I have is mine so..."

"It's fine," Jerome said, laughing a little. "Don't worry about it."

"Looks like two can share it." Jason commented. "Jerome, you wanna share with Mitch?" He asked, smirking. Jerome's face reddened a little which made me laugh.

"Shut up," He mumbled. I decided to help him out a bit.

"What about you and Tyler, Jason?" I asked teasingly, grinning. Now it was his turn to blush.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He muttered.

"Oh come on, I can tell something is up between you guys." 

"Wh...there isn't...I don't-" He stuttered, blushing more. I just crossed my arms and gave a knowing smirk, and Jerome started laughing.

"I knew it!" He said, giggling. "You like him! You like Tyler!"

"Shut up! Oh my god-" He cut himself off, covering his face now.

"Are you gonna tell him?"

He sighed and uncovered his face, which was still red. "I...I don't know if I should-"

"Oh come on!" Jerome yelled, laughing. "You never know, he might like you too." He added, smiling.

"What about you and Mitch?" Jason asked, which made him give an embarrassed smile.

"Um, well...we're...already...together?" He said, laughing nervously. Jason's eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

"What?!" Jason yelled.

"When did this happen?" I asked, shocked. "Why weren't we told yet?"

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