6- Sky & Ty

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When I woke up, I found that I was lying on a couch with a blanket wrapped around me. I looked around, wondering where the hell I was, before I noticed the person from the night before standing in front of me. Now seeing him more clearly and in daytime, I noticed that his hair was a dark brown, and almost as long as mine. He was wearing sunglasses, so I couldn't tell what color his eyes were (who even wears sunglasses inside?), and his skin looked perfectly tanned, despite living in such a rainy place. Around his neck, he also had what looked to be a purple amulet. Definitely different from my pale skin, light brown hair and light reddish brown eyes. Suddenly feeling nervous, I felt like leaving, but he stopped me. 

"Woah, woah...I don't think you're gonna be going anywhere being injured like you are." I just looked at him wide, fearful eyes. He came a little closer, and before thinking I spoke out.

"Please no...please don't hurt me..." I said, voice raspy from rarely talking, trying to back away unsuccessfully. He sighed.

"Look, I can promise you that I would never want to hurt you, okay? I wouldn't have any reason to." I continued to stare at him nervously.

"I, um, took off your shoes for you and I...seen that you're ankle was swollen. Is it sprained or broken? What happened?"

"Broken," I whispered, not answering the second question, still untrusting. He seemed to notice, but didn't question it.

"Well, in that case, you're gonna have to keep weight off of it for a while, huh?" Still wary, I didn't say anything. I tried to sit up, but winced as I remembered my pounding head and sore ribs, and laid back down. A concerned look was on his face.

"Are you okay? Does something else hurt, like your head?" I shook my head, which made me dizzy quickly. He sucked in a breath.

"I know we just met, but trust me, I'm probably one of the nicest people you'll ever come across. I would never hurt anything or anyone, including you. You don't have to be afraid of me. Now, if your head hurts, you can tell me okay? I can get you something to help it." He gave a small smile.

Against my thinking, I decided to trust this person. Just this once. 

"Could you...tell me your name?" He questioned. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and quietly answered.

"Tyler..." I told him. He smiled and laughed a little. I gave him a confused look.

"I'm sorry, it's just...I have another friend whose name is Tyler too, except he doesn't live around here." He seemed to be in thought for a minute before he talked again.

"Hey, do you think I could...call you Ty? For short? You wouldn't mind would you?" I nodded, and he smiled.

"Great! Well Ty, I'm Adam, but you can call me Sky." I was a little confused as to where he got that nickname from, but I didn't ask, and just nodded again. I jumped when I seen three dogs appear out of nowhere, and he chuckled.

"Don't worry- they won't hurt you. They're friendly."

I looked at the three of them, all wagging their tails. "What are their names?" I asked hoarsely. 

"Well, this one here is Rascal. He's the puppy out of them. This is Winston," He continued, gesturing to them as he told me their names. "And this sweet girl here is Bailey." He ended, smiling, which made me smile a little. I held my hand out, and they all sniffed it, then licked it, which made me laugh to myself. That seemed to ease Sky a little. He looked at the dogs, then back up at me.

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