11- Realization

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I can't believe that it's been a month since I've been living with Sky. Time definitely goes by fast.

My bruises have faded by now, and I've gained a little weight since I've been here. Not enough to be considered healthy, but Sky says it's a start. Though I'm still underweight, he says I look a lot better than when I first showed up here, and I kinda agree with him.

My ankle is doing a lot better too. It's to the point where I just have to wear the brace and not have to use the crutches anymore. The brace helps relieve a lot of the pressure and makes it easier for me to get around without help, which I'm happy with.

Sky wanted to teach me how to play Minecraft so I could play with him. He just let me play with his character until I got the hang of it. It didn't take me too long to learn what I needed to know how to play. Though busy helping me, he's still been able to work on and upload videos to keep the subscribers happy. He's offered for me to sit with him and record, with him talking and me making side comments, and just goofing around in general.

He's already introduced me to his fans, and he says they seem to love me already and want to see more of us recording together, which I agreed to. 

Sky's even gone out of his way to get another computer and more equipment just so I could play with him. I told him he didn't have to do all that just for me, and spend his money on me, but he waved it off and said not to worry about it.

He helped me get everything I needed onto the computer, and even bought Minecraft for me. He also wanted to help me create my character, and help me name him. To make it easy, he made him look just like me (minus the cat ears and tail), but had him wear a headset that was green, which I though was pretty cool.

After a little while of thinking, he helped me come up with the name Deadlox, and he even helped me make a YouTube account under the name of DeadloxMC, the MC standing for Minecraft.

I gave him a small, appreciative smile. "Sky, thanks for....doing all this for me. Seriously, I don't know anyone else who would've done all this for me..." He grinned.

"Well, you're my friend, and I like being able to make people happy, because then it makes me feel happy." He told me. 

"Same goes for everything else besides all the technical and computer stuff. If anyone else seen what I was and the shape I was in when you found me, anybody else probably would have just left me. But you didn't, and I can't tell you how thankful I am for that...Because now I have friends who care about me." I ended, blushing a little.

Sky gave a nervous laugh. "Heh, it was nothing, really..."

I walked over to him. "No, really, I appreciate it Sky. It means a lot to me that you would do all this for me when my asshole of an owner never did anything for me." I told him, smiling a little. I wrapped my arms around him, and he let out a quiet surprised gasp and jumped a little, not expecting me to hug him, then slowly returned the hug.

"Thank you...so much," I mumbled happily, blushing again. I peeked up to see him blushing as well, and laughed to myself. "I'm happy I met you Sky." I said as he put his chin on my head, him being taller than me by a few inches. I could tell he was smiling as he spoke again.

"I'm glad I found you, Ty."

I felt this weird feeling in my chest as he said this. What is this? It can't be what I think it is...

Can it?


A little while later, me and Sky decided to play Minecraft multiplayer, along with Mitch, Jerome, Tyler, and another one of his friends- Jason. It was cool being able to finally see what their characters looked like. We decided to play Hunger Games while Sky recorded it to put on his channel. I got ready as he started his intro.

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