2- Feeling Used & Broken

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When I woke up, I was hurting almost everywhere from last night. Who the hell even knows what time it was then, or now. I don't exactly have a concept of time down here, except for seasons. When it's spring, I can kind of hear the rain outside, but then again, when doesn't it rain in Seattle?

When it's summer, it gets really hot, especially since I'm constantly stuck in the basement. Fall I can't really tell unless I'm able to go upstairs and look through a window. I don't have one down here because he doesn't want me to possibly crawl through and get away.

When it's winter, it gets especially cold where I'm at, and I don't have a specific way to keep warm besides wrap my arms around myself.

Look at me, I'm so bored that I started rambling about the seasons. Fucking hell.

It was too hard for me to stand up, having been kicked in the ribs so many times, and being as skinny as I am doesn't help either. So I just decided to sit against the wall and look around at my familiar surroundings, counting the seconds that went by since I had nothing else to do.


I got to 2,400 seconds before I heard the click of a door being unlocked and someone walking down the steps. I tried to shrink into the corner as much as I could, with my tail wrapped around myself and my ears flattened. I looked to see that it was my owner, who had a small bottle and a piece of bread. As he came closer, I seen that the liquid was water, as always.

He threw them both at me. "Here's your damn food." he sneered before he turned on his heel and went back upstairs. It had been about a week or so since I've eaten anything. I started with the bread, and ate it greedily, though I shouldn't have, I should have ate it little by little to save it as it's all I would get for a while. I then grabbed the water and drank it all.

At least he has the decency to let me go to the bathroom once in a while so his basement doesn't become a mess.

I sigh as I sit there, in boredom and pain, thinking why the hell my life turned out to be this way. 

Why couldn't I at least have gotten someone that actually cares about me? Instead I got someone who abuses me in every way possible and purposefully makes my life hell.

I fucking hate everything about my life.


After a little while of boredom, I started humming to myself quietly. I didn't know what the song was, I just heard it one day and decided I liked it.

Once again, I heard the door open, and the light turned on. My owner stumbled down the stairs, looking to be drunk.

He turned towards me and grinned smugly. He stumbled over to me and pulled me up by the hem of my shirt, my ribs protesting painfully.

"I'm in the mood to have a little fun," He slurred. "I hope you are too." I looked at him with wide eyes, my ears flattened against my head. I started shaking a little, and he laughed.

"Aww, you're not scared are ya? Don't worry, I'll take goood care of you, my little kitty cat." I gulped, and shook my head no.

"What are you shaking your head for? Don't you wanna have some fun?" He asked sweetly. 

"N-no..." I whispered, shutting my eyes, hoping he didn't hear. Sadly, I think he did.

"Well too fucking bad." He said, venom lacing his words. I took in a shaky breath as he roughly pulled me closer, then slammed me against the wall. I whimpered inaudibly as my head smacked against it.

He grinned cruelly at my pain. "You're gonna enjoy it, whether you like it or not." He looked towards my collar bone and chuckled. 

"Looks like my friend enjoyed his time with you." I looked to see that there was a mark where he had bitten me earlier. He roughly grabbed my chin, making me look towards him.

"Now, you're be a good little kitty, and do what I tell you. Isn't that right?" I nodded weakly. He smiled.

"Good. Do anything I don't want you to, and you'll get punished. And trust me, you don't want that." He said as he got closer to me face. Still holding my chin, he pulled my face to his and forcibly put his mouth on mine. Not wanting to get in trouble, I stayed obediently quiet.

He pulled away, with me quietly gasping for air, then started giving me sickeningly sweet, gentle kisses, starting at my mouth and going down my neck. I held back a moan, not wanting him to think that I was actually enjoying this, which I wasn't. 

He nipped at my collar bone, a little bit from where the mark was, and I silently gasped and closed my eyes again. He licked up my neck, and I involuntarily shuddered. I felt him smirk against me.

"Such a good little kitty..." He whispered on my skin. I let out a shaky breath. I wanted him to stop. But I'm not allowed to tell him that, so I kept quiet about it for as long as I could. I continued to let him touch me and kiss me for as long as he wanted as he held my hands above me with too firm a grip as to not try anything. 

"So obedient..." He murmured as he put his mouth on mine again, this time forcing it open. I felt sick to my stomach.

"You're mine, got it?" He asked me as he went to my neck once more. I nodded.

"I can't hear you~..." 

"Y-yes, sir..." I mumbled. He smiled again as he spoke.

"Good boy." He said as he latched onto my neck. I groaned quietly. Finally, after a few more minutes, he stopped, and pulled away from me.

"You did good today," He smiled. "I'm surprised." 

As he finished talking, he turned to leave, and turned off the lights once again. I slowly sank back down to my sitting position, feeling used and pathetic.  

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