9- Trust

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I've been staying at Sky's for a few days now, and let me just say that my life seems to have gotten better since he found me. Though I don't think that I can keep my secrets from him much longer. 

He's always curious as to why I'm wearing long sleeve even though it's summer, and sometimes asks why I'm still wearing his hat. So far, I haven't answered either of his questions, and though he hides it well, I can sense that he's getting a little annoyed. Perks of being part animal, being able to tell how someone is feeling.

What's bad is that I can still clearly see the bruises on my arms and collarbone, though I'm hiding them as best as I can. I don't want him seeing them and questioning me even more. I also don't want him seeing how skinny I am, and have him worry about me more.

My ankle still hurts like hell, though not as much as it did when I first came here. The brace seems to be helping, same with the crutches, though it's a pain if I need to go upstairs and take a bath, needing to remove the brace before getting in and then putting it back on.

To be honest, it's uncomfortable needing to wear a hat all the time. When I'm wearing it, I can't move my ears which annoys me to no end. I know I'll have to tell him, I'm just not looking forward to it. What I didn't know was that the time to tell him was a lot closer than I thought it would be.


While Sky was upstairs in the shower, I decided to watch TV until he came back down. After a little over 15 minutes, I heard the water shut off. Then came another few minutes of hearing him walk to his room to get dressed. He eventually came downstairs, his hair still a little damp, and he sat down next to me. He sighed, which made me look over at him.

"Are you ever going to tell me why you never want to wear short sleeve shirts and never want to take that off?" Motioning to the hat. I bit my lip, and answered him.

"I...I want to but-" I said before I was cut off.

"Don't you trust me?" He asked, a sad look on his face, making me feel guilty.

"It's not that I don't trust you Sky, it's just-"

"Then why can't you tell me?" He said, sounding upset. "If something is wrong, I need to know Ty...please." I felt like I was close to crying, and my mouth couldn't seem to form any words.

"Please tell me if there's something wrong," He begged. "If there is, I want to help you."

"I know," I whispered. "I know you would want to help."

"Ty..." He said to me, sounding sad, which made me shut my eyes to will away the tears. "Please tell me..." 

Now thinking about it, I sucked in air to prevent a sob from escaping. Breath now shaky, I answered him.

"Okay," I started, trying to calm myself. "I'll tell you..."



"I should probably get the most important one out of the way first..." He started in a shaky voice, sounding nervous.

Shakily raising his hands, he started taking off the hat.

"Why is that the most important thing?" I asked myself. I realized why though as soon as he took it off. Though he couldn't see it, my eyes widened. I've heard of them but....

"Y...you're a Neko...." I whispered, and he nodded, seemingly still scared.

"Now you know..."

I was still shocked, but I was even more when he got to the next part of his explanation.

"So...you want to know why I've been wearing shirts like this? Even though it's summer?" He asked. I nodded. He sighed.

"Okay..." he said quietly. He started at the top, and pulled the shirt down to show his collarbone, which looked bruised. Before I could say anything, he rolled up the sleeves and showed me his arms, revealing even more bruising. Finally, he brushed his bangs away from his face, and I couldn't hold back a gasp. There seemed to be another one on his cheek that looked to be fading away, and a more prominent one along his jaw.

"Oh my god...Ty..." I said as he looked down. "Please tell me that's everything..." 

He looked at me with sad eyes before shaking his head. He stood up, and lifted up the shirt. I covered my mouth in shock, tears in my eyes, as I could see every outline of almost every bone in his body. My heart now felt broken, seeing every little thing that's happened to him, from being abused, to being starved almost to death.

"I wish you could have told me earlier.....I didn't think...." I faltered, my voice cracking. I stood up with him. I could see his eyes shining with unshed tears.

"I'm so sorry...this is my fault..."Being careful, I hugged him as tightly as I could, hearing him gasp as I did. Tears now streaming down my face, I spoke to him again.

"None of this is your fault."

"Yes it is. It's not like it could be anybody elses."

"Please don't blame yourself, Ty....You didn't cause this yourself." He didn't answer. 

"It's okay to cry..." I said quietly, still hugging him tightly. "You don't need to be strong all the time." That was when he wrapped his arms around me, and I heard quiet sobbing. We stayed like that for what seemed like hours, just hugging and crying with each other. We eventually pulled away from each other, and I seen that his eyes were red from crying.

"Ty...You're still my friend, and probably always will be, no matter what." He gave a weak smile.

"I thought you wouldn't want me here anymore after I explained everything to you...I thought you'd hate me for being...." He trailed off.

"You think it's possible for me to hate you? I don't care if you're a Neko, Ty. You're still as important as you were before you told me. Telling me all this makes you a strong person, and brave." I told him. "I can't imagine how hard it was for you to tell me." 

"I trust you." He said. "You're honestly the nicest person I have ever met, and the best friend I've ever made."



He looked touched, and blushed a little.

"I...thank you, Ty," He paused, and smiled again. "You're one of the best friends I've ever had too. Even though I've only known you for about a week, it seems like it's been longer than that." I agreed with him, feeling truly happy having someone who understood me and didn't judge me for what I was.

"Hey Ty, I was wondering if you'd like to see my other friends?" He asked. I gave him a puzzled look.

"See them?" I questioned. He nodded and grinned.

"Yeah! On my computer, I can chat with them through video, and I'm able to see them." I smiled, but I was a little nervous about it. Seemingly reading my mind, he answered my unspoken question.

"Don't worry about them seeing your ears, okay? They're awesome people, and they would never judge anyone, I promise. Not even Nekos." He reassured me, giving me a small smile. I nodded, trusting him.


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