Reactions and She knew it!

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Bellamy's POV
"Clarke... Ummm w-when exactly where you planning on telling me this? This is something I should of been found out about Clarke! Not when you're two months along." I wasn't mad but frustrated that she didn't tell me sooner. And shocked that I'm going be a dad.
"Well I was scared to tell you. I didn't know how you were going to react. But I just needed a little time to figure out how to tell you." She said.
"How are we supposed to take care of a baby Clarke. We don't have the proper tools or supplies for it." Ok I know it seems like I'm putting the blame on her. But trust me I know it takes two to tango. She glared at me.
"Don't you think I know that! Its not like I wanted to get pregnant. It just happened. Besides if I remember correctly you help in the baby making process." She's right but like I said I'm not blaming her. But should blame myself. She was weak and vulnerable. And I forced myself onto her. "Your right its my fault for forcing you." She shook her head. Tears falling from her eyes. She wiped them away.
"No it's nobody's fault. But it will be OK you know that right? We have to stick together no matter what. We can get through this OK?" I nodded my head. It's so like her to not blame people.
"Stay here in rest. You'll need all of your strength." She stood up with her stuff.
"No I think I'm tired of resting let's go." She said.
"No stay and rest! Your with my child now. And you need it." I said gently pushing her down. She shook her head.
"Bell I'm fine! There is a such thing called to much rest!" She said standing up again. I laughed at her she hasn't even been her 30 minutes yet.
"I can't believe you told my sister and Lincoln before me."
She laughed and rolled her eyes. In a playful way.
"Technically Octavia and Raven figured it out on their own. As for Lincoln. I needed herbs for morning sickness. And I didn't want him thinking Octavia was pregnant." I stopped.
"Wait! Raven knew too?" She nodded her head. "Well who else knew besides me?"
"Nobody else don't worry. But you do realize we have to tell the camp right?" I sighed and nodded my head.
"Or we could let them figure it out as the months progress." I said. She looked at me and shook her head.
"Or we tell them. After the Maybe war?" I paused. I been doing that a lot haven't I? She looked at me. Shit I forgot about that.
"Damn! The war. How could I forget. You can forget about stressing over the war." She pregnant and doesn't need to worry about battle plans and strategies. Her and this baby is my responsibility now. "Starting when we get back things are going to be different. I promise! Starting with a lessen work load! No standing on your feet for to long." I started planning everything out. I dragged her along as I tell her what she cannot do. We heard a noise.
We looked around and saw a grounder. "Clarke! RUN NOW!" I grabbed my knife. I pushed her behind me. "Clarke run!" She stood there not budging. "Clarke!" She still didn't move a inch.
"No look its Lincoln." She said pointing. But a grounder is still a grounder.
"I don't care RUN!" She stood her ground not moving.
"Clarke now is not the time to be stubborn. RUN!" I turned to the grounders who approached slowly. He raised his heads up.
"I came to bring you news. Nothing else. We haven't attacked because a illness his plagued my people. And our healers can't heal because they fallen ill." The grounder said. I stood my ground. He look like he couldn't be bothered with me. Something's off! I can feel it.
"Bell! It's ok! I can handle it." I turned to her but as I turned she steps to the side in front of the grounder.
"Bell he won't hurt me. Lincoln I would love to help but whose to say that soon as they our healed they won't kill me?" She asked.
"You have the commander's word that you'll be safe. Also if you heal our people we won't retaliate. We will end the war. We won't attack!" I have this feeling like he's lying.
She looked at me with hope in her eyes. If I didn't take it, it might look like I rather put the baby in danger. And if I say yes this could be a trap, and I could lose Clarke and the baby forever.
"Clarke! There's no way in hel-." She cut me up.
"I'll do it." By now I'm fuming. I pulled her to the side.
"Clarke I don't trust him or the 'sick' grounders. And this disease. What if you catch it. And if you got it so do the baby. And what if you can't help them. Then you will die along with the baby." I was right and she knew it. I got her and she knew it.
Okay another chapter done. If you saw the last episode of the 100 you saw Lincoln die. It was so sad but anyway enjoy the story.😍😘

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