Finding out

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Bellamy's POV
Something is up with Clarke. I get that she's tired but the way she exploded on me. It's not like her. I don't know what bothering her. But I'm going to find out what it is. I walked back to camp being aware of my surroundings, checking for grounders, I carefully and quietly walked to the gate. Nearing the camp I hear someone yell "ITS BELLAMY OPEN THE GATE!" The gate opens I walked and see that everyone is working. "Yo! Nate keep yelling like that grounders will come!" I growled. I walk to my sister tent to talk to her about Clarke. "She's not in there." I paused and looked for the one who said that. I grabbed the person who told me that. "Where's my sister then!" I said with clenched teeth. I looked at the boy with goggles on. "I think she went to that grounder guy again. I know she left the camp." My rage spike to a new level. I pushed him out of my way. I told her not to go to see him again and she disobeyed me. "Grab your stuff, where going to go find my sister and kill that grounder." I started walking to the gate when it opened up and my sister walked in. "Where were you?" She looked up at me. "I was umm...well I was getting these herbs for Clarke like she asked me too." She said walking to the drop ship with the herbs. "Where did you get them?" She stopped then continued to walk. "From the ground Bell. Where else would I get them from." We walked into the drop ship and I told everyone else to leave. "Don't you mean your grounder boyfriend give them to you?" I questioned her. She turned around to face me. "OK so what if he did? Bell you can't stop me from seeing him." She blow up at me. What is up with people yelling at me. I'm trying to keep them safe and it's like I'm the bad guy. "Oh I can't watch me as of right now your not going ANYWHERE! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!" She glared at me and I at her. But she needs to learn that I can keep her safe not him. "Your not the boss of me." She said walking to Clarke's tent. "She's not here." She turned around and said. "Were is she?"
"The bunker she said she need some time to relax." I answered.
"Well when she comes back tell her Lincoln said to boil in water then drink that should make her feel better." I nodded my head not catching on to what she said.
Then it hit me. "Make her feel better? Wait what's wrong with Clarke?" She was silent like she was debating whether or not to tell me something.
"Do you know something I don't know?" I asked.
"Yes. I know a lot more than you. But its not my place to tell you its Clarke's." I was so confused right now. And mad my sister just called me dumb. I needed answers and Clarke had them. I packed my stuff to head over to the bunker.
"Where are you going?" Octavia asked.
"To talk to Clarke. I have questions and she has the answers to them." I walked up to the gate and signaled them to open it. "O I meant when I said your not leaving. Yo! Make sure my sister doesn't leave. If she leaves they you will pay. AND NOBODY IS TO TOUCH HER. YOU GOT THAT!" They nodded their heads as I left to the bunker. I wanted to know what was going on with Clarke. And as co leader I think I have a right to know what goes on with her. I come across the bunker and opened the door. I climbed down the ladder find Clarke sitting on the couch.
"Hey I got until tomorrow to come back remember?" She said staring at me.
"I know. That's not why I came back. I came back because Lincoln wants me to tell you to boil the plant then drink it. And you should feel better. What's going on Clarke?" I said by then Clarke was frozen with fear. She sighed then began to speak. "I wasn't planning on telling you like this but, think you should sit down." I was didn't want to sit down. I wanted to know what's going on. But what I do know is that she is scared to tell me.
"Clarke just tell me!" I said getting impatient. She sighed and took a deep breath.
"OK I'm pregnant Bellamy and your the father. And from what I can tell is that I'm at least two months." She said it all in one quick breath. Now it's my turn to be scared.
Wow! He found out. Stay tuned for Bellamy's reaction to the big news. Love you guys so much thanks for reading the story. Soon we are going to have a contest for the gender and then the names.😍😘

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