"What are you? I can tell that you aren't human, at least not completely anyway, so what is it?"

"And here I hoped I was hiding so well, but being a demon, you could probably tell right when I met you. To answer your question, I am a goddess of sorts. I created a world that spirits can thrive in, not just spirits though, demons, angles, any myths that people do and do not know of are there."

"If that's true, why are you here?"

"Because I like it much better here in the human world. It's similar to the one I made so by coming here I learn new things and introduce it to those back home, who are in charge anyway, and they share it whit everyone else."

"But for that to be true, you must be older than I first thought."

"Yes, I am very old. Older than time himself. All of the gods that the people have come to know, I raised and taught to be great."

[so here is where it gets kind of odd, we are going to see Satan in this part just for fun. So yeah, if it's to weird, just say so and I'll get rid of this part]

"Can I take you to hell and ask the King if this is all true?"

"Sure, it's been over a thousand centuries since I've seen him."
We teleported to hell and I see the castle that he resides in. Despite his position, I feel like a mother seeing her son for the first time in well forever. I start to get a little excited, oh who am I kidding, I got really excited and ran to the doors. I see these little goblin creatures who stop me.

"Where do you think you're going missy? You're not allowed in here with out a son or a personal invitation from the king himself."

"It's alright you two she's with me."

"Oh shit, sorry my lord, we did not know she was your guest."

We walked in and I look at Sebastian, he looks at me and smiles. We walk to set of doors and see guards lined along the carpet leading to it.

"Are you that excited to Satan himself? He isn't exactly the nicest person in the world."

"Of course I'm excited, I raised him to be who he is. Well a ruler anyway, how and what he did was up to him. I just want to see him, it's been so long."

"How come you never came to visit on your own?"


The doors opened and I see a very large and intimidating demon in a chair just right for him. He doesn't seem to notice me so I stay quiet.

"What the hell do you want, I don't remember calling for you. Get the hell out of my face."

"But sire, I've bro-"

"I said leave! You have no business here."

"Yes sir."

Sebastian put his head down and looked at me, giving a look of apology. I sighed and shook my head.

"How dare you speak to him that way! He was trying to introduce me!"

"Who do you think you- BIG SISTER?!?!"

"Yep, I'm back! Now get down here and out of that stupid form!"


"No buts! Get down here now!"

"No! I have the power here, not you don't. Leave!"

I looked over at Sebastian, " Will you make sure those doors are locked." I said as an order instead is a question.

"W-why are y-you locking t-the d-doors sis? Come on I was only playing, don't take this form away! "

I snapped my fingers and he changed to his true form.

I snapped my fingers and he changed to his true form

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"There, that's better Satan. Now you look less stupid! Now come and give me a hug." I smiled with my arms open. He sighs and walk over.

"I hope you're happy. You just made me a laughing stock I front of one of my successors. Thanks, thanks a lot sis." He gives me a hug and I nuzzle him.

"Why do you need to look stupid though. You can be scary and intimidating enough with out that dumb form."

"Because as time passed people stopped being scared and intimidated by me so I took it up a notch."

"What about Ashiya, where is he?"

"He is on his-"

"Lady y/n!!! You are back, it's so nice to see you!"

"Ashiya! Why on earth did you allow him to take such a pathetic form such as that. I thought I told you to make sure he changes for no one, especially their thoughts!"

"I am sorry my lady, but he wanted to do so and I could not stop him."

*sigh* "oh well it doesn't matter, I already fixed it and made sure he doesn't get that dumbass form again. Anyway Ciel will be waking soon so we must be on our way. Bye you two, see you soon!"

"Bye sis/my lady!"

[well that's the end of that]
Sabastian and I take our leave. We teleported back to my room to see the sun was coming up.

"Thank you Sebastian for taking me. I haven't seen either of them in a long while so it was nice."

"No problem y/n. I never would have thought you could do all of that. To be completely honest, you scared me a bit as well. Now I know where he gets it from."

"Yes. I guess I can get scary at some points. Anyway it's time for another day. So let's go and get Ciel's breakfast ready.

Well that it for today pups! I got bored and felt like righting something like this. The next day goes on in the next chapter as well as getting back to the main story line, the HOST CLUB!! You all thought I forgot about them. No just thought that more info was needed. Anyway...
And I'll see you soon pups~

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