James looked up. "No. How the fuck do you know about that?"

Ryan shrugged. "I have my ways."

James moved towards him threateningly. "You tell anybody, I'll-"

"Yeah, I am not an idiot." There was definitely something wrong. Ryan watched as James moved back and collapsed on the sofa, seemingly exhausted. He hadn't even tried to hit him. 

A couple of minutes passed in silence. 

"What am I even doing here?" Ryan asked. "Why did you-?"

James looked up at him. "Shut your mouth and wait for Rick to come back. You will find out soon enough."

Ryan nodded. A few more minutes went by. He could hear the clock ticking in the background, its sound almost ominous. "How much longer?"

"I don't fucking know." James snapped, glaring at him.

"At least tell me what the hell am I here for!" Ryan snapped back.

James stood up suddenly. "You want to know?"

Ryan stared suspiciously at him for a moment, then nodded. 

James walked over to him, coming a bit too close for his liking. He grabbed him by his throat, lifted him in the air, and slammed him into the wall. "He's watching us, and I don't have time for dealing with him." His mouth was right beside Ryan's ear, and he was whispering. He punched Ryan in the stomach, hard. "I am sorry for hitting you, but I have too look innocent."

Ryan held in a gasp. What was going on? Sorry? Who was watching them? Rick?

"Your mom's siding Rick. She's helping him. Don't protect her...you should get out while you still can." 

Another punch. 

Ryan barely felt it. What the fuck was he speaking about? How could mom side with Rick? She was divorcing him, she moved out so they could be safe. James had to be lying. There was no other explanation. Why else would he pretend to help him?

"Get out, and I wont stop you."

A third punch. This one was harder than the previous ones, and Ryan groaned, winded. "What the hell are you-?"

James let him go, and Ryan crashed to the ground. His head was a mess. he couldn't think straight. James had to be lying. Mom would never do that. "She would never....."

James shrugged.

"Why are you-?" A kick, this time to his face. Ryan cried out as it hit him over the eye. He could already feel it swelling up.

James moved back to the sofa. 

All Ryan could think about was his mom's account number on the contract and James words. He closed his eyes. It was not true. It could not be true.

James was still staring at him, his eyes almost begging him to leave. 

He couldn't. Ryan knew he couldn't. There was no way Rick would leave his mom alive. His mom was not siding with him. She wasn't. She couldn't. She loved him. She just couldn't.

A couple of minutes passed. James had given up on trying to get him to leave. 

Ryan heard the door open for the second time. Rick walked in. He looked at Ryan for a moment, then turned to James and nodded.

James looked at Ryan. "Upstairs. Now."

Ryan stood up shakily and began climbing. He could feel the two of them behind him. Rick pushed him into his own bedroom. 

"Hold him down," Rick muttered to James.

Ryan turned around to face Rick, wondering what the hell were they going to do now. James grabbed his arms and pushed him onto the bed. James was above him, holding him down by his arms. Rick was adjusting a camera onto the desk, facing him.

Ryan could feel his heartbeat going faster with every moment. He wasn't liking the direction this was going in. What were they going do? Why were they filming it? And why was he on the bed, not the floor as per usual?

Rick turned around, and the look on his face was more evil than anything Ryan could have imagined. He moved on top of Ryan, his hands placed firmly on his hips, stroking them under his shirt.

Ryan froze. No. This could not be happening. Rick could not...Ryan struggled. "No! You can't!" He could feel James holding him down from above. 

Rick was laughing, his hands now placed on his jeans, stroking his member. "Eagle wanted this, thank him for this."

Ryan screamed, trying to kick Rick off him. "No! Fuck you! No!" His heart was thumping fast. This could not be happening to him. He could feel tears streaming down his face and Rick began unbuttoning his jeans. Ryan howled again. He couldn't do this. He had never expected this.

Rick was laughing, almost maniacally. "I bet you are liking this!"

Ryan whimpered, still struggling. "Please!" He could hear himself crying, and almost visualize himself with Rick on top, his hands everywhere on him, dirtying him....Ryan howled again. "Please! Fuck! James please!" 

Rick got off him and began pulling his jeans down, one of his hands still holding down Ryan by his legs. 

Ryan lashed out, managing to hit Rick on his face. He pulled his hands from James' grip. Ryan was shaking. He couldn't believe that Rick could go this far. He pulled his jeans back up, and ran out, tears still streaming down his face. 

No one chased him. He didn't stop until he had reached his room in the hotel. He closed the door and slid to the floor, adrenaline pumping through him. The tears were not stopping. 

Did dad hate him so much - enough to rape his own son? What had he ever done to him? He could feel his body trembling. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Fifteen minutes passed in complete silence, the tears and crying slowing down enough for Ryan to stand up and walk to his  bed. His body was aching, and his legs felt wobbly. His head felt like it was going to burst. 

There was a note on the bed. He recognized his mom's handwriting and picked it up.

James said he would he give you a chance to escape, and I hope you took it. I have paid for the hotel bill for five days more - enough time for you to calm yourself and accept your fate. I want you back at Rick's place in that time. I am sorry. You will never hear from me again.


Ryan stared at it in shock. James was right. Mom was gone. And she sided with Rick. 



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