After I changed I looked in the mirror. My makeup looked messed up and my hair was black. I pretty much looked like nothing of what I looked like yesterday. It seems crazy but clothing,makeup, and hair colors can make a difference. A really big difference. 

Also your attitude and mood can change your appearance a bit. 

I looked in the mirror for a minute before becoming disgusted myself. I hated everything about myself at the moment. I looked weak and powerless. I looked pathetic. And that's not what I was.. Or that's not what I wanted to be..

"Are you ready Scarlett!?" I heard a faint voice yell in the distance. I sighed and slowly began to walk to the voice. It was Micheal, just Micheal; Lovely.

"Come here." Micheal said, quite annoyed. He pulled on my oversized shirt and pulled me outside into the garage.

"You will talk to no one. I don't care if you can't breath. You only talk to me, only me. Not your 'old' friends or anyone. Not like they will notice you anyways. Let's face it, you won't see any of your friends here. We are like an hour from town."

I looked away and tried to avoid him and the situation. He quickly grabbed my chin to face him.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He yelled, then slapped my check. Now, that did hurt a bit. But I didn't show weakness. I was sick of playing innocent girl, even If I have only been playing her for a couple of hours or so. It was stupid and I knew that wasn't who I was.

"Now repeat what I said." He demanded. I huffed and took a deep breath, "Don't talk to anyone... Umm.. Yeah. I'll only talk to you." I mumbled. It looked like I wasn't even scared. It looked like I was strong and not even scared about a thing. Which Is what I want.

Micheal slapped me again, but harder.

"You will show me respect." His cold voice whispered into my ear. I shivered at his voice. I slowly nodded my head and stepped back. Honestly, that was freaky. Like from a horror movie or something..

After I took a step back, Micheal just tugged me closer to him. 

"Are you going to respect me?" He spoke in a low voice. I slowly nodded my head and he let me go.    "Get in the car." He demanded, as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the car. I sighed and lowered into my seat. Hoping that maybe we would get in a car crash and die.

The drive to where ever we were going was terribly long and boring. No one talked, because no one really had nothing to say. He knew I hated him. And I knew he hated me. This was all just revenge. 

Either I was going to escape or I was going to get killed.

Simple as that.


Louis' P.O.V

I know it's only been a couple of hours since Scarlett went missing, but it seems like it's been months.Everyone is panicking and worried. Including Zayn. Me and Harry just told him that Scarlett went missing and he didn't believe us.. He was in full denial. He then told us about how they we're just starting to get along and become the family Zayn always wanted. The family, Zayn always wanted to have.

Harry on the other hand was dealing with this situation quite great. I haven't seen him crying or talking to himself. He actually looks fine. He looks like he usually looks.

He just wonders around the crowded large town. Asking anyone and everyone if they had seen
a girl. They all answered no to the description Harry gave them. No one has seen her.

But I know we will be able to find her.. I know we will. We did it once, so we can do it again... Right?

"Have you seen a girl with blond hair.. Light blue eyes.. Very short.. Skinny.. Tan?" I questioned a man in a suit walking around the block. He sadly answered the way I already knew he was. 

"No man.. Sorry." He answered.

I sighed and began to ask more people the same question. I already knew the answer to all of them..
No one has seen Scarlett. No one.. And we probably asked around two hundred people so far. Nothing...

The police wont do anything about it either. Twenty-Four hours, then they will start a search team for her. It is completely stupid. In twenty-four hours, Scarlett could be killed. Raped. Anything
could happen.. Anything...

 "Nothing." Harry spoke while walking towards me. I let out a sigh and took a seat on the cold sidewalk that was damp from the light rain that was dropping down from the cloudless sky.

"We'll find her." I proudly said with confidence, "I won't give up."

Harry looked at me and bit his lip. "I know her more then you will ever know.. I know who she really is.. I know the actual her. Not the fake one." 

I gave him a confused look as I felt raindrops thump onto my hair and ripped skinny jeans. I slowly began to get soaked, but I didn't care. I could care less about me right now. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. He looked at me and chuckled, making one of his sharp dimples show. "She's more confident, and stronger then you think Louis. She could kill someone if it came to that. Trust me." He laughed.

"We're you really nice to her? When you we're... Y-ou know. Sla-ve and stuff." 

"You want an honest answer?" He questioned. I slowly nodded my head. I wanted to know. I was curious.

"To be quite honest, I was nice to her for a while.. Maybe a couple of months or two. Even if she doesn't want to admit it. I was nice to her. I didn't want a slave. It was all my father's idea. He had like ten or more slaves. Including like cleaning slaves.. Working slaves. Like farming and stuff.. Then sex slaves. Etc.. Anyways I bought her because my father told me I had to, or I would become one." He admitted.

"So your father made you?" I asked.

"Yes, As I was saying. I didn't want one.. I swear I didn't." He began to tear up a bit. But wiped it away before It was totally noticeable, "I never meant for any of that to happen to Scarlett.. I guess I've always felt weak and vulnerable to others.. I just wanted to feel powerful for once. And that was my chance to do it... I know It's all my fault.. And I'm not asking for forgiveness or anything like that. I'm just saying I regret everything I did to her." 



this chapter is edited. 

Harry's Slave (HARRY STYLES FF)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें