Stars that Died Out

Start from the beginning

"I...Impossible... I modeled this armor after the neutron star, I imitated its molecular structure by creating and studying it inside a chakra barrier! I created an entirely new steel alloy based on its molecular structure - Neutronium! Neutron Shogun should be indestructible, it takes all of my chakra just to move this heavy thing!" the cybernetic voice freaked out from inside the armor. The massive arm of his opponent slowly reached out and grabbed the neutronium arm.

"A feeble attempt, lifeless and artificial trash, simple iron infused with chakra, something of life and substance is harder than this chunk of rubbish..." the man yanked the arm clean off leaving Mugao's fleshly arm exposed. The Neutron Shogun fired off jets of flame trying to escape the man's grip but the giant yanked the armor right back and peeled all the neutronium plates and parts right off crushing them right in front of the man in his crushing grip and tossing them aside.

Jiou's eye winked right at his sister, once an Uchiha opened their Sharingan they observed the entire surrounding missing not a single detail, the Uchiha prodigy had not to worry that his sister may have missed his signal.

Two red blurs flashing at the man at a blinding speed could've been picked up by anyone possessing the top level of perception as the image of the two siblings froze right up and close to the man's neck and etched itself into everyone's minds. Jiou and Aisha coordinated their assaults aiming their chakra-infused blades at the man's neck, they could've sliced through virtually any substance with such an attack, even if the man was able to tear away the toughest known substance in the Universe, the presence of chakra infusion in their attack instantly made their attack more lethal.

A loud clang deafened the ears of everyone observing the battle forcing every ninja still hoping to overcome their crippling fear of this giant man so that they could have their turn at fighting this man to cover their ears. Small bits and strips of the giant's neck skin tore leaving shallow cuts but not even a single drop of blood fell, Jiou's and Aisha's swords seemingly exploded from the pressure falling onto the floor in pieces.

"Your chakras feel... Different... Yes, I may keep you around for a while, you'll be a worthy nourishment..." the demonic man smiled, his white teeth could've been seen through the black mysterious shroud that covered him when he was fighting, combined with his ever-present glowing red eyes it made for a terrifying combination of features.

Aisha collapsed on her knees, she could not believe that hers and brother's combination attack was completely ineffective against this man. Suddenly she felt her father's arms forcefully pulling her out of the harm's way, a soft peck on the top of her head informed the young girl that her father was proud of her bravery and strength.

"All Uchiha, let us show this fool real Hell!" Aziz ordered them, "All those who can use Fire Style jutsu join in!" he yelled out as more ninja than it was possible to count went through their hand seals and breathed out a Fire Style jutsu of some sort combining all of them into a vortex of flames as hot as a thousand dying stars. Possibly hot enough to destroy vast regions of all that existed had it not been for the highly coordinated and controlled flow of the chakra that purely fired off from the user and was absorbed by the opponent in its entirety.

Even with the highly coordinated flow of chakra and unparalleled mastery, a beam of whirling flames fired off into the sky, passing through the Moon and leaving into unspecified regions of space causing unknown and cataclysmic amounts of damage. The searing hot inferno of all Sunagakure ninja who possessed the ability to use Fire Release surrounded the man in a technique that would've annihilated anything that could've ever existed even before it was cast by the searing heat of air surrounding it alone. And yet...

As the hotter than destruction of a thousand stars flame ceased the man remained standing without as much as his clothes searing off or losing a single eyebrow, his body was almost glowing in fiery light, he was twitching and writhing around, struggling to contain the amount of chakra, his eyes took in the fiery blinding glow blinding several fools idiotic enough to have not closed their eyes gazing at the spectacle of untold power and destruction unfolding in front of them but then... He calmed down and the fiery glow turned back at the black shroud of darkness that he always wore and flame-colored eyes changed back to their usual blood red glow.

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