"I don't want to go with you," Leah said. She looked at Laura and smirked. "Let's go, Laura."

"No," Ryan shouted. Laura raised her eyebrow at him. "You will go with me."

He didn't let Leah speak as he took Laura's hand, pulling her towards the next cabinet. Leah's mouth hung opened.

"Let's go." Alec held his hand towards her. She groaned, but accepted it.

"So, only you and I are left," Chase whispered in my ears from behind. I shuddered at the proximity.


He smirked at me and took my hand in his. We sat inside while the worker locked the door. "I hope you're not afraid of heights?"

"No." I said, looking at him. "Are you?"

"Me?" He pointed at his chest. "I'm not afraid of anything." He dusted the imaginary dirt off his shoulder.

Cocky much?

"Except for horror movies," I smirked at him, wiggling my eyebrow. He sobered up, glaring at me.

"You did not just say that." I smiled amusingly at him. I batted my eyelashes. "You'll pay for this."

"What? What did I do?" I asked, innocently.

Instead of replying, he smirked and cupped my cheeks. My smile disappeared as I stared at him. He leaned forward, not removing his eyes from me. We were only an inch apart when the wheel suddenly came to halt.

I shrieked and jumped on Chase's arms. I clinged on his arm and looked down. "What's wrong?"

When I didn't get an answer, I looked up. He was staring down at me with an unreadable expression. I don't know for how long we have been staring at each other, but when I looked away, the wheel started moving again. We reached the ground and got out of the cabinet.

"It was fun," Ashley exclaimed. "Except for when it stopped." She pouted. Jason pecked her lips while I gagged.

"Let's eat. I'm hungry," Ryan whined. A chorus of yes was heard. I walked behind Ashley when Chase suddenly grabbed my arm. I looked at him, questioning.

"Do you want to play at the stalls?" He asked.

"Aren't we all going to go together?" I asked, confused.



"Because I want to spend time with you," he said, coming closer. "Alone."

I blushed and looked away. "Okay." He grinned and took my hand once again.

We played at different stalls. Chase even won me a big stuff toy. It was cream color teddy bear with a heart attached to it. In a cursive handwritten 'I love you' was printed on it. I blushed furious red when he gave the teddy bear to me.

I smiled shyly at him. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He had the same look from the Ferris wheel. I don't know if he's hiding something from me.

A little while later, we meet with the others. They all looked at us with an understanding expression. I blushed and looked away. I hugged the teddy bear closer to my chest. They smirked and left us alone.

Chase drove us home in his car. Today was the best day. As I was about to open the door, he grabbed my arm and turn towards him.

"What's wrong?"

"Uh, I wanted to ask you something?" He nervously rubbed the back of his neck.


"Will you...umm..will you go on a date with me?" He asked, nervously. I sat there, staring at him. He asked me on a date. Oh my god! He asked me on a date. What should I do? Should I say yes? Or no? "It's okay if you don't want to. I mean, I'm not-"

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