"I am sure I can draw better than a two-year-old kid," I argued.

"Sure you can."

"Why are you even in Art class?" he asked.

Except for, it was the only class left with a vacancy and one personal reason I didn't have any reasons to take that class. The other personal reason was my mom. My dad once told me after I pestered him to tell me something about her when I was little. Even then I knew he didn't like talking about her. It was too hurtful and he always avoided my questions about her like a professional. But I was a stubborn child and he had to give in so he told me that she was an artist and she was very talented.

Since then I wanted to be an artist too. I knew I wasn't that talented in this area but I was heartbroken when I found out I was horrible. Turned out I got my father's genes who is equally horrible in drawing as me. He laughed at my face when I told him that.

I realized soon that I was my father's shadow and was nothing like my mother. So, when I was put in art class I thought maybe I could finally get one thing like my mother. I could finally be like her in some way. That was why I wanted to learn this so bad.

"You know, you can survive fine without being able to draw a stick," Evan said. "Many people do," he added.

"I want to," I told him.

He looked at me like he didn't understand why it was so important but I didn't feel the need to explain my reasons to him.

He sighed and told me what to draw and how to do it.

"Draw something that you know something you can imagine. Start with something that's easy," he said.

I nodded and started fresh.

He pulled earplugs out of his pocket, put them on and laid on the grass with his arms under his head. He didn't even feel the need to bring anything to the class. He came empty handed. Mr. Mathews didn't say anything because it was a huge deal he was even attending the class. Even if all he did in his class was kill time and my brain cells.

I hummed as I thought what to draw. I came out blank. I never seem to know what I wanted to draw. I just decided to go with it. After some time I looked over at Evan because he was quiet. It was unusual for him. He stayed quiet almost all the time to give off the quiet and mysterious type of vibe but with me, he was as loud as a jackhammer.

His eyes were closed and his breath steady and slow. He looked so peaceful while sleeping. I got curious and pulled out one of his earplugs. I put it on and took it out instantly. Loud rock music was playing. I wondered how anyone could sleep with so much noise. Then I remembered Evan could sleep anywhere and anytime. He was one lazy ass.

His phone started ringing. I took his earplugs out and shook him awake.

"What?" he snapped groggily.

"Your phone," I said.

He looked at the screen and cursed under his breath.

"What?" he snapped at the caller.

He was silent while the person on the other end spoke. But I could tell he wasn't happy with whatever they were saying because he was clenching his jaw.

"Do your shit yourself John," he snapped.

John said something else.

Evan cursed and hung up.

He got up and dusted off his pants.

"I gotta go," he told me and went in the direction of the parking lot.

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