Cloud 9

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Holden's Point of View
I've been dreaming of tonight for years. I can't remove this smile tattooed on my face.

I'm dating Liv Rooney.

I'm on cloud nine.

Words can't describe the feeling of wanting something for so long, losing hope, but then it happens.

I love her. She's the one I want to be with.

I tried to take my mind off Liv by dating other girls, because I thought Liv and I was just a illusion dancing threw my brain. But they didn't even come close to how I felt about Liv.

I don't know what to do. Liv has inspired me. I need to spread this knew found happiness in my life to people.

I decided to write a song about just everything that I feel. These new found emotions I'm experiencing are undiscovered. I've never experienced them before.


I was jamming out on my guitar when all of the sudden I heard 3 light knocks on my bedroom door. "Holden, honey.... Can I come in?"

"Sure... I guess." I put down my guitar and I watched my mom enter my room. She smirked then sat down on my bed next to me.


"Why what?" I asked her as I folded my arms.

"Why are you doing this to yourself Holden?" She glared into my eyes. "You never listen to me do you." I looked away with anger in my eyes. "Teenagers think they know best.. But what you don't get is adults..."

I interrupted her as I stood up from my bed. "You don't understand!" I yelled. "Liv makes me genuinely happy. I want to repay her."

"You're making bad life decisions."

"You now what mom, your right." I clenched my fists. "I'm not making good life choices."

"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow.

I smiled for a split second. "I shouldn't have listened to you in the first place!"

"Your right. Wait what?"

"You were the one who told me Liv wasn't good for me. You told me to move on." I scratched the back of my neck. "But the truth of the matter is... She's the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"But she's..." My mom started to trail off.

"Enough, I'm done listening to you." I said angrily. "You can leave my room now." I turned away from my mom.

She slowly started to approach the door. "Sorry." She whispered as she closed the door behind herself.

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