Don't Do This

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Liv's Point of View
I missed school today because yesterday Holden showed me how much he truly cared for me. He shouldn't have to pour his heart out to a girl who doesn't want to date him at this moment in time. It's not fair to him.

I decided that staying home one day is a good idea for the both of us.

Suddenly I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in?"

It's probably just my mom with more chicken noodle soup. She seems to think I'm actually sick.

The door slowly opened. "Hey Liv."


"Look I'm sorry for bugging you.... And I don't want you missing any school it's not fair to you... So I'm just going to leave you alone and the only time we will socialize will be in band meetings." He said looking down at his feet. You could tell that he didn't want to give up on me.

"I think it'd be best that way, bye Holden." I faked a smile.

"Bye Liv." Holden then closed my bedroom door and left my house.

Once I heard the back door close, I melted into a puddle of tears. This was the hardest decision I have ever made... But sometimes the hardest decision are the best decisions.

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