Music to My Ears

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Liv's Point of View
3:01pm : I'm panicking right now. I want to fake sick and go home, but I shouldn't.

I walked slowly into the music room and was the first one there.

I sat down on the piano bench and started to play the intro of True Love. I hummed along to the tune to only get interrupted by Holden knocking over the sheet music stands.

"Sorry..." Holden said slowly approaching me.

I jumped up from the piano bench. "No don't appoligize it's totally fine. I mean it is band practice right. It's not one man band practice. Hahaha." I started to chew a strand of my hair.

"Want some salt with that hair?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

I chuckled a bit. "Um no thanks."


Shortly after the awkward ten minutes of silence Willow and Andy finally arrived.

"Hey guys sorry we were late." Andy said hiding something behind her back as she walked in.

"We went to the sewing club and picked up a little something something they made for the band." Willow added as Andy revealed 4 letterman jackets with The Dream written on the backs and our names on the arms.

"These are so sweet." Holden said grabbing his.

"You guys this is amazing!" I smiled.

"We know." Andy and Willow said in sync.

"Okay now in band news, I booked us a gig!" I squealed.

"Awesome!" Willow said as she hive fived me.

"We are playing on Nimbus at Night in 4 weeks!" I said as I felt to arms rap around me. I turned around to see Holden, I quickly pulled away.

"That's amazing Liv! We are so going to be famous if we keep up the great work!" Andy said.

"Now we just need to prepare some songs for our performance." I replied.

"Okay then, Liv and Holden you guys work on the lyrics. While Willow and I go ask around for some new instruments so that we match better on stage." Andy said as her and Willow left the room.

"Should we start on the piano?" Holden asked as he sits on the bench and gestures for me to sit next to him.

"Um okay..." I sat down next to him.

"Why not have some sort of lyrics that we scan all relate to.. Like uh, 'You make me late for school in the mornings all because of you running threw my mind all night long.' How does that sound?"

"Actually, it shouldn't be another love song... There's too many love songs in the world." I said tucking my hair behind my ear nervously.

"But love is music to the ears." He said starring at my ear.

"Can we not..."

"Wait what?" He asked.

"I can't keep being around something I want but can't have." I replied trying to hold back the tears. "Andy is my best friend. True Love should have never been sung. And I should never have wrote it."

"Liv, I like you a lot. I know you like me, because if you didn't True Love wouldn't exist." He said moving closer to me on the bench.

"I have to go..." I got up and left the room. I couldn't stay and let him see how much he hurts me.

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