"Come in," I murmured.

She opened the door stepping in.
"Hey you guys," she smiled at us.

"Hello, missis y/l/n," Shawn greeted with a shaky voice, his cheeks going red.

I formed a fake smile on my face when looking at mom, trying not to show my nervousness.

"Is Grace asleep?" she asked turning to me.

"Yeah, she fell asleep like thirty minutes ago," I explained trying to get her out of the room already.

"Alright, I'll go check on her,"she sayed before flashing a friendly smile at Shawn and then leaving the room.

Shawn looked at me, relief on his face.

"That was so close," he laughed.

"Yeah, and that can never happen again," I chuckled, gathering up all the cards scattered on the bed.

"I think you should go, I guess she already suspects something," I said after we had put the cards in the packet and cleaned the bed.

Shawn nodded, grabbing his jacket and leaving from the room, me following him down at the front door.

"I had fun tonight," he said.

"Yeah, me too," I smiled which Shawn returned.

"So see you, maybe, tomorrow?" he asked putting his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket.

"Yeah, goodnight Shawn!" I stepped back almost closing the door when Shawn stopped me.

"Hey wait!"

"What?" I asked opening the door again to meet his beautiful face.

He leaned in placing a soft kiss on my lips. I needed more so it turned into a little makeup session when he slide his hand on my hip, pulling me closer.

"Goodnight," he said smirking after pulling off.

I grinned at him and watched him walk down the rockpath until he reached his car. I waved at him when he entered the car and finally closed the door.

Turning around I met the serious face of my mother. My hear started beating fast and I felt my cheeks warming up.

"Did you see everything?" I nervously asked.

Mom stayed silent, making me more anxious. Finally she smiled until she was laughing. I was so confused at her reaction so I just stood there like a rock, my mouth opened in shock. She came over to me hugging me tightly.

"My little girl is growing up," she winked at me still embracing me.
I smiled at her. I had never seen her that happy at something I had done.

"Let's go make us some tea," she sayed before grabbing my hand and leading us to the kitchen.

Later that night, when I was about to pass out behind a book I was reading on my bed, Shawn called me. I picked up with no hesitation.

"Hey babe," he moaned.

"Hey Shawn," I chuckled.

"So what did she say?" his voice sounded excited.

"Wait, what? Who?"

"Your mom ofcourse. What did she say about the kiss?"

"You knew she saw?" I was surprised.

"Yeah, that's why I kissed you, to show her you are my girl," he said.

"You sneaky little devil," I jokingly gritted my teeth, feeling myself blush.

He laughed at the other side. His laugh was beautiful, like music to my ears.

"So? Was she angry?" he asked.

"No actually, she seemed glad," I smiled.

He exhaled reliefly. "Then she approves me, thank god!"

"You worried about her not liking you?"

"Yeah.." he stuttered.

"Shawn, she loves you! She has always liked you. She even wanted me to talk about you when we first started dating."

"That's sweet," he murmured.

"It's kinda late, we should go to bed," I yawned.

"Yeah sure but one more thing."

"Yeah?" I already closed my eyes.

"Can I steal you for a couple of hours tomorrow to go on a date?" he asked.

I giggled saying yes to him. We ended the call with good night wishes and I fell asleep dreaming about him.


I thought this was so sweet.

Send me requests if you want me to write you an imagine. Instructions are in the description of the book.


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