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Jacob's POV-

Standing in the cemetery in my best suite I let the tears flow freely. I look down at the headstone and place some flowers next to it before sitting down. I lean against the side of the headstone not worrying about the dirt that stains my suite and just talk. "You would not believe how much has changed this year, I don't even recognize myself sometimes when I look in the mirror."

I look up to the sky and take deep breath. "This year without you dad has been a lot easier. I still miss you everyday and I think about you all the time but now I have more in my life than the need to find the answers to your death, now I have peace. I have Ev who keeps me grounded and Jesse and Titan have been a support system I never thought I needed before. Oh and let me tell you about Marie she finally got married, she looked beautiful dad, she even had a picture of you on an empty seat at the ceremony it was really touching and Alyssa is as crazy as ever still single saying she will never settle down but I think she's finally ready to give it a shot ."

I feel Ev sit down by me. "Are you ok babe?" I nod and lean my head on his shoulder. "I'm fine I was just telling dad about Marie's wedding." Ev nods. "Aw did you tell him our wedding is next month?" I shake my head. "I haven't gotten to that yet." Ev nods. "Ok well go on tell him, we have time."

So I go on to tell my dad about the small ceremony we have planned at our house now that all the renovations are finally done. I tell how we have been talking more and more about kids and that next time I visit we should have some kind of decision made on whether to adopt or go the surrogate route. We end up spending about thirty minutes there before we get up and leave.

Ev and I walk to the car in a comfortable silence and leave the cemetery. I grab Ev's hand as he drives and rest my chin on both our hands. "Do you think it was the right thing to invite my mom and Rockwell to the wedding?" Ev sighs. "Babe whatever makes you happy, I Just want to marry you. If you want your mom there then that's great if you don't that's your decision too. Just remember this only happens once and I think inviting them was the right call. You guys are all trying to move past everything, this is just another step to healing."

I nod. "I know I just wanted to hear you agree with me." Ev snorts and laughs. "Your something else Jake but I love you."

"No you just love my ass." I say cheekily. Ev almost drives us off the road he laughs so hard. "Good lord Jake are you trying to get us killed?" I shake my head no. "Naw but I think we should head home, I'm starving. I can't wait to cook in our new kitchen and eat at the brand new dinning table, I can't believe it's finally move in day, well I guess not really move in day since everything is already there but it's the first night we get to sleep their."

Ev nods not looking away from the road. "I still can't believe you went so crazy with the remodel, you basically changed the whole house. But whatever makes you happy babe. I'm just glad I can start working from home now so when we have our baby I can be a stay at home dad with our little pup."

I smile at the thought of Ev taking care of our baby. "I still think we should go the surrogate route even if you don't want to pass on the werewolf gene we could use my sperm. I know you go back and forth on the idea of having a biological kid when we aren't really in the pack life." Ev just shrugs his shoulders and I nod not wanting to push him on it. I know this decision is weighing heavy on him but I don't want to pressure him on it.

When we finally get home I drop my overnight bag in the entry way. Everything is pretty much here except our clothes that we have movers bringing tomorrow. I head straight into the kitchen and start up a simple stir fry for lunch. "Hey Ev, food will be ready in twenty." I yell out but don't hear a reply. I just keep cooking until all the food is ready and plated. I head to the dinning room and sit down the food and go in search of Ev. I find him in his office looking at his laptop.

Jacobs Truth #6Where stories live. Discover now