CH 3 Its not a request

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Jacobs POV

Time drags slowly over the next week. Everett calls and asks for information and gives me periodic updates but nothing concrete and nothing for me to get excited over but that's it. I don't know why I expected an answer from Everett so quickly I just did. I know these things take time but I want to call Everett and meet up with him and go everything one more time. Just for my piece of mind.

I pick up my phone and dial Everett's cell it only rings once before he answers. "This is Everett." I smile then wipe the ridiculous look off my face. "Hey I was thinking of stopping by your office I wanted to go over the case again see if we can see anything we missed before."

I hear a bang and curse before Everett answers. "Of course I'm here all day your welcome to come by anytime and I do have something I want to show you so it works out perfect."

I smile again before I feel like fool, just talking to someone shouldn't make me this happy. I don't know if it because I just need someone to believe me or just a friend but I feel like Everett is all I have right now. "Ok I will swing by within the hour see you soon."

Everett says goodbye and I hang up before quickly getting dressed in my casual suite it's like my armor. My dad taught me a good suite will intimidate and demand respect from anyone and one should always wear a suite when in public. I really miss him sometimes. Yeah sometimes he acted cold or uncaring but I knew that wasn't the real him that was just his armor he was taught by his father to wear. I hope all I teach my son to wear is a smile.

I grab my keys and lock up before driving into downtown Dallas and into Dade PI Services. I walk into the waiting area and knock on Everett's door before walking in. I see him scribbling notes and he looks up and I swear he gives me the cheesiest smile ever and I can't help but smile in return.

"Ok what to do you have for me too look at?" Everett jumps up and opens a file cabinet while I unbutton my jacket and take a seat across from him. He sits in the other side of his desk and hands over a file. I slowly start reading the details over. This is a complete work up of Joey Rockwell including all his holdings in not only my siblings name but mine. I'm shocked when I see he has at least two hundred thousand dollars in each of the four of our names but only fifty thousand in his personal bank.

I can tell by the deposits that he puts some money in each account sporadically when he gets any Christmas bonus or cashes out a stock. I know why he would put money away for his children but why me? I'm nothing to him if anything I'm the reason he was never able to be with my mom he should hate me.

I flip the page and go through a bunch of surveillance photos of Rockwell by himself then some in a loving embrace with my mom and some of them laughing together at dinner with my sisters. The photos of my family happy are hard for me to see so I slide the folder back to Everett who stayed silent through my inspection.

I look at Everett questioningly. "So there was only one thing in the file I didn't already know, so why is it so important?" Everett takes the file and pulls out a phone call sheet and hands it to me. I see highlighted phone calls. "Ok what does this mean?" I ask still confused.

Everett sits back in his chair. "It's not easy to catch Rockwell slipping up, he changes phones every three months like he's a drug dealer or something worse so it made me think he is getting in contact with someone he does want anyone to able to link him to."

I nod still not understanding exactly what Everett has found. "Ok Jacob so the yellow highlights are Rockwell calling out and the pink are phone calls back from a one Tyler Jimenez. Now you might not recognize that name but I am a former cop and I damn well know who and what Mr. Jimenez's organization specializes in. And it's everything illegal if you need drugs he's your man if you need a hired killer he has them hell he can even launder your money for you, he is that good."

Jacobs Truth #6Where stories live. Discover now