CH 7 Lonely but Never Alone

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Jacob's POV

I open the window curtains on my back door and look out to see the dark shadowed shape of Everett's wolf laying in my back yard again. It's been like this every night for the last two weeks, since our wild stakeout. I don't contact Everett and he doesn't contact me, it's like some unspoken rule look but no talking. Even though every night I see his wolf in the same spot in my back yard it's radio silence.

I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad about it, I go back and forth between just wanting nothing more than to run out and talk to Everett to just wanting him to leave and never come back. But every night it never fails right before I head to my room I look out back and see him just laying there like he is waiting for me to invite him in again. But I have more important things than to worry about Everett right now.

Since Everett told me what happened at the warehouse with Rockwell and I now know he is responsible for my dads death in some way I have been texting my brother Jesse. He was ecstatic when I was the one to reach out to him, over the last couple of years he has been begging me to come to a family event and each time I declined I could tell it sadden him but he has never given up, So for me to be the one to text him to see if we could have lunch left him speechless. Then he called me and we set a lunch date for tomorrow in Dallas.

I'm a little nervous to see Jesse tomorrow after so long, I think that's why I can't stop looking out the window and looking at Everett's wolf. He calms my nerves even just looking at him brings a sense of peace to my mind that has been eluding me for a week. And I can't even explain why, I assume it has something to do with him being a werewolf and me being is so called mate.

I pace the living room one more time and go back to the window and pull the curtain aside again but this time I don't see Everett's wolf I see Everett in a pair of sweat pants looking at me pleadingly. I just stare at him for a minute before sighing and unlocking the door and letting Everett in.

Once inside we both just stare at each other before Ev rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry I have been trying so hard to give you your space but the anxiety that is coming off you in waves is killing me I can't force myself or Elijah to stay away I need to comfort you in any way."

I nod in understanding. "Yeah well come sit in the living room with me and I will tell you what's going on. I could use a friend to listen, just listen Ev." Everett nods and follows me to sit on the couch.

I ring my hands nervously. "So tomorrow I'm going to have lunch with my brother for the first time in years and it's making me anxious. Because I know I really have an ulterior motive I want to get close so I can get Rockwell alone and question him about the night my dad died. But Jesse has always been smart he is going to know something is up and I'm afraid he will see right through me."

Everett looks thoughtful for a second. "Then just tell him the truth, I think he would help you and respect you more if you just asked him to set up a meeting with his dad. You don't have to tell him why or anything if you don't want to just be up front with him."

I laugh humorlessly. "Yeah that's going to work, hey brother I know I didn't go to your wedding or any of the events you invited me to for oh let's say for the last four years and last time we really talked I accused your husband of murdering my dad, but now I need you to do me a favor and get me a meeting with your  real dad. Yeah right Ev, he is going to laugh in my face."

Everett shakes his head in disagreement. "I did the back ground on your whole family and I know that's not how Jesse is. He loves you and would do anything to have you back in his life, your his big brother and he looks up to you."

I shake my head. "How can you possibly know that for sure?" Everett smiles wide. "Well I'm a trained detective but really it's my werewolf genes that help me with your brother. I can physically feel the love he has for you when he speaks about you. I can feel the sadness he feels that you aren't in his life and that you don't except his husband and his relationship. Believe me when I say he would give just about anything to have you back in his life."

Jacobs Truth #6Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang