CH 8 Dinner for Two

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Everett's POV

After going grocery shopping and getting everything to make a nice simple spaghetti dinner I start putting things away in Jake's empty cabinets. I keep out the things I need to make a dinner and just sit and wait for Jake's text. I have a pretty good sense that everything will go fine but Jacob is on an emotional roller coaster right now so he could be in any mood when he leaves Jesse.

I just hope he lets me comfort him if he needs it or hell just be here for him even if everything went great. After sleeping in Jakes bed last night I feel we have a stronger bond than ever. That close contact skin to fur was amazingly soothing for my wolf. The way he kept running his hands through my fur felt so loving that I can only hope it means we can finally talk about being mates soon.

I have been trying to be as understanding as possible for Jacob's sake. I have been trying so hard to let Jake come to terms with having a male mate at his own speed but I feel my control slipping. I want Jake regardless of the consequences. I need him to feel complete and I need him soon.

I have listened to my brother and his mate Ryan and tried to give Jacob time and be understanding but it's not easy. I feel I need to make a move tonight, I have to at least kiss him and see if he kisses me back. I need some kind of reassurance that my patience isn't for nothing and I'm not just giving him more time to talk himself out of being with me. I feel my phone vibrate and see a text from Jake.

J- leaving now but need to stop before I head home should be home within an hour or maybe two.

Ok that is very cryptic, I can't tell if everything went great or horrible or anywhere in between with his brother. I try to stay neutral when I text back, Without being to demanding even though I'm dying to know where he is going that could take up two hours and what exactly happened with Jesse but I know I need to be patient.

E- k see ya soon.

Looking at the clock it's only three so starting dinner now would be a little to early so I decide to wait until close to five before I start anything. That leaves me almost two whole hours without Jake and with nothing to do but think about Jake. I decide to turn on the TV to get my mind off things and flip through the channels. I don't find anything good on so I just leave on the discovery channel and try to take a nap.

Thirty minutes into my nap I get woken up by the buzzing of my phone. I pull it out expecting to see a text from Jake but instead it's an old client texting me.

Fox- Hey Everett it's Fox Morrison, I need your services again and have been trying your office for a couple days with no response. Please let me know if you can put me on schedule ASAP. Thank you

What could Fox need now? It was only two months ago I gave him evidence that his husband was cheating on him. Instead of leaving the bastard Fox just cried, and took responsibility for his failing marriage and vowed to be better. Like that ever works but hey it's his relationship so I kept my mouth shut and took his money. I have been doing this a couple of years and the cheater never stops cheating even when caught so Fox probably suspects his husband has a new lover...again.

E- I'm busy for the rest of today but meet me in my office tomorrow at nine am

Fox- thank you Everett I will see you at nine am sharp

I look at the time and see its close to five so I get up and start prepping everything to make a nice spaghetti dinner for my mate. I start with the garlic bread and throw it in the oven and while that cooks I make a small side salad. From there I start boiling water for the noddles. I grab my supplies and start making a very simple red sauce. It's probably the only thing that my brother taught me how to cook that I actually mastered. I am hopeless at anything else when it comes to my culinary skills.

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