CH 2 Over Zealous

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Everett's POV

My mate is on the floor passed out and I don't know what to do. I change back into my human form and dress quickly while staring at my beautiful mate. He has short dark brown hair with brown eyes, and is a little smaller than me, and when I lift him into my arms he fits just right.

I carry him into his bed and lay him under the covers. Since he can't object, I stare and take in all his perfect features. I rub my hand across his cheek before kissing it lightly and pick up my phone to call my older brother, he will know what to do.

I wait for the phone to connect and try not worry too much about what my brother will say. I'm kind of the black sheep in the family, damn really the whole pack. My old pack is called Luna Rouge, and I was kicked out long ago when I came out as gay. That's just not natural according to my old pack.

I stayed in town for a long time because I had family and friends I couldn't just up and leave. I became a detective and my partner was my best friend; I had a good and full life even without a pack, but everything changed in one horrible night...


"Dade stop! You can't go back there! Hey stop son!"
"Chief it aint true! It can't be dammit! He was just with me this morning after the stakeout! No! No, no, no... NO!"
*corner's roll a covered body into the back of a white van*

(End FlashBack)

I don't remember much from that night except waking up chained to a bed in the hospital. My brother helped me through that dark time and when they took me off the case, that's when I left New Orleans...

When I hear Damien say hello, it shakes me out of my day dream and I attack him with rapid fire questions. "Damien, help me! I found my mate, and I might have stalked him to his home! And then I changed into my wolf form in front of him making him pass out! You're a doctor hear listen to him breath does it sound normal?" I put the phone next to Jacob's mouth so Damien can hear him breath.

When I put the phone back to my ear, I hear Damien laughing. "Whoa whoa, slow down little brother. Let's start with the formalities first yeah? 'Hi D, how are ya? Sorry I haven't called in a few days.' 'Oh hey E! I'm doing good. It's alright, I've been swamped at the hospital.' Now then, speak slowly so I can understand your cajun ass."

I pull back and glare at my phone. Is he high? "Deee I'm seriously freaking out here! Now is not the time for jokes! Now, like I said. I found my mate. He freaked out when I told him that he was my mate and then I showed him my wolf. He passed out and hit the floor pretty hard."

"Ok ok. First off is there any blood?"
"No not that I can see."
"Ok check the back of his head for a knot or a cut."

I do as he says and find nothing there.

"No there aint. Is he gonna die? Oh goddess did I just kill my human mate?"

Is.. Is that bastard laughing at me?!

"No you idiot. You probably scared him so bad he fainted. Just lay him down somewhere he will be comfortable and let him wake up on his own. If he doesn't wake up on his own in an hour, try to wake him yourself. Watch his breathing. If it stops or he makes a sound like he is choking turn him over onto his stomach and tilt his head to one side then dial 9-1-1. Now tell me why he freaked out so bad."

"Well apparently he isn't gay. He also said something about his brother and being gay. He may be a homophobe."

That thought alone made me cringe. I really don't like homophobes. But would the goddess really pair me with one? For what reason?

"Haha! Mon dieu! That's rich brother. Ok ok, give him time. Obviously this guy wants to hire you for some reason. Hopefully when he wakes up he won't remember what happened or he will think it was all a dream. Use whatever case he has for you to spend time with him. The more time you spend with him the stronger the mating bond will pull him to you. Once the two of you have worked together enough, he will be comfortable around you."

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