CH 14 Having Everything

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Everett's POV-

Do you ever have the feeling like everything is right in the world. It usually doesn't last long but you feel it none the less and you allow yourself to believe it, no matter how short it lasts. That's my life right now. I'm newly mated and have convinced my mate that we should move in together and he finally agreed to it. So of course I'm on cloud nine, except for the tiny fact he wants to keep his humongous and very ostentatious home and have me move in to it when that's not even close to what I want.

"But Jake I want us to find a new place together. One where we can be comfortable in it, here I feel like I'm in an empty museum." Jake snorts. "My house is no where near museum size now your just being ridiculous Ev. Can't you just listen to my plan for the remodel before you automatically say no?"

I hold my hands up. "Fine tell me how we make this place more our style?" Jake pulls out plans from the pantry and lays them out on the counter and grabs a pencil. "Damn you really thought this all out, didn't you?" I comment.
"Yes I did, so shut your mouth for a second and let me tell you my ideas on how to turn nine bedrooms to five."

And I do just that, I listen as Jake explains taking two rooms and opening them up for a game room for our future kids and all the nieces and nephews we already have and are going to have. That drops us down to seven rooms still. "Ok then we are both going to need home offices, that drops us down to five ok, then we have to have a spare room for when your brother and Ryan visit so that dedicates one of the five to them bringing a total of four rooms so I guess we can have four kids? How does that sound?"

I nod with a smile. "Really four kids? You don't think that's to many?" Jake shrugs his shoulders. "I don't think so, let's just have two back to back then maybe wait till they are both in school to have two more?" I nod again. "That actually sounds perfect, so if I agree to staying in this house how long do you think it will take to get all of these renovations done? Maybe we should move into my condo while we get the work done so we aren't bothered while the work is going on?"

Jake looks thoughtfully out the window. "I think we have come to an agreement Ev. So I will get some proposals for the work and we can start moving my clothes to your place sometime next week." I jump up and fist bump. "Yes, finally I can't believe it took me this long to get you to agree to live with me."

Jake just huffs. "Good lord Ev, you are so dramatic I always said I would live with you, we just couldn't agree on where that would be exactly." I nod. "I know, I know I'm just excited. I think we should celebrate coming to an agreement, come on let me take you to the bedroom." I wiggle my eyebrows.

Jake just gives me an unamused look. "We don't have time there is so much to be done I want to get started on all this right now before you change your mind." I nod in understanding and slowly make my way to standing in front of Jake, making sure our bodies touch. I lean in to whisper in his ear. "I understand." I say but my hands start roaming his body and my tongue attacks his sensitive mating mark, making him moan shamelessly. "Mm don't stop Ev." He moans softly.

I pull back just a breath. "I thought you were too busy?" Jake rolls his eyes and attacks my mouth with his lips, biting my lower lip just hard enough to make me painfully hard in my jeans. I slowly work Jake's slacks open and start pulling them down his body as I drop down to my knees right there in the kitchen.

Jake throws his head back as I circle his head with my tongue. His salty favor erupts on my tongue and I start sucking on him from root to tip over and over again. Soon Jake grabs a handful of my hair and starts fucking my throat in earnest to get off. I relax my throat and gently squeeze his balls as he freezes and shoots down my throat. I gently pull away breathless and disheveled just like Jake to see him smiling widely down at me. "That was amazing Ev."

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