Chapter 4

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*a few hours later*

"Now, that's a lot of training!" Kiba said while panting heavily.

"I agree," Hinata said.

"So what'll we do now?" Shino asked while pushing up his glasses.

They all thought about it for a few seconds when Hinata finally thought of something. "How about we visit Kurenai-sensei?" she suggested with a smile.

"Good idea."

"Agreed," Shino said with a nod

The three of them with Akamaru headed to Kurenai's house and coincidentally, Shikamaru was there as well.

"Hello," Hinata greeted politely as Shino just kept silent.

"Hey guys, what brings you here?" Shikamaru said.

"We should be asking you that! She's our sensei. We can visit her when we like!" Kiba said while popping an anime vein.

Kurenai sweat dropped and smiled. "Why are you three all sweaty?" she asked.

"We just finished training," Shino answered.

"How troublesome," Shikamaru muttered while scratching the back of his head.

Kiba popped another anime vein. "What did you sa-" he was about to say when Shikamaru cut him off.

"Don't be mad...What a drag! I'm going now. See you guys later. Bye Kurenai-sensei. I'm going to meet with Ino and Chouji. We got a mission, you see," he said while walking away.

"So how's your baby, Kurenai-sensei? Has Asuma-sensei visited you at all?" Kiba asked with a grin.

"She's fine...the baby, I mean," she said while her smile disappeared and changed into a frown. "And no, Asuma hasn't visited me at all lately."

"Don't worry, Kurenai-sensei. I just saw him a while ago in the Yamanaka flower shop, buying some flowe--" she was cut off at the sound of the doorbell. The door opened, revealing Asuma with a bouquet of flowers.

"Hey Kurenai!" he said from outside.

Meanwhile, Naruto was passing by Kurenai's house and saw them. (Seem's lke Hinata's ignoring me..) he thought with a sigh. (Well that can't be helped..Oh yeah! I forgot I got a mission!) He rushed off to the meeting place where he was supposed to be meeting up with Sakura, Kakashi, and Sai. "I'm sorry I'm late!"

Sakura sighed while facepalming. "Well, Kakashi-sensei is even more late!"

Naruto sweatdropped and looked around. "Now, that I noticed it, he's not here yet. Oh well, let's wait! dattebayo~"

"You seem surprised Naruto but Kakashi-sensei is always late," Sai said.

Naruto looked at the ground for a moment. "Well, I've been distracted for a while..."

"We can totally see that."

*a few minutes later*

Kakashi arrives with a poof of smoke. "Sorry, sorry I'm late. There was an old lady, and I had to help her get to her house."

"You use the same excuse all the time Kakashi-sensei! At least, think of something believable!" Sakura said while popping an anime vein.


"Sorry, sorry," he apologized half-heartedly.

"Apology accepted.--NOT!"

"Oi, Sai! Don't take my line!"

He made an airy laugh while sweatdropping and finally became serious. "Let me tell you about the mission, Sakura, Naruto, Sai."

"What is it?"

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