Above And Beneath

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Request: A merman falls in love with a fairy with a crippled wing.

From: BethanyFerson

You are above, up there in the skies
While I am found in the waters beneath
It is cold down here, without the sunlight
While there you feel the sun's heavy heat

I am half human, and I am half fish
I am a merman swimming in the sea
You have wings and you can fly
You are a magical, beautiful fairy

I once was swimming near the land
When I saw something bad happen
You were flying, but crashed to the ground
You fell because your wing was broken

Your cried tears on my arms
You said that you can fly no more
That you will miss the sun and air
And your new home is on the floor

I felt pity and comforted you
And soon you finally felt okay
But your broken wing will be permanent
It can't be fixed in any way

So I decided to be your company
To visit, talk, and comfort you
But soon enough, I fell in love
And I was so happy that you did too

And so a love again has begun
Between a merman and a fairy
This is their world, this is their tale
This is their own romantic story

Sorry, if it's not that great and that I uploaded it late. I had a hard time writing it. I admit that it is not my best work. 😔

Sooooo, anyway, I JUST FINISHED A BOOK! So please do read it. It is entitled "Forever The Best Friend" and you can find it on my profile.

Thank you in advanced!


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