"But---!" He protested.

"JULIAN GIROLAMO DE VIZIO!" Zach said and Julian's blue eyes widened in surprise. "Fine!" He exclaimed as he put his hands up in the air in surrender and then they all went out of the office.

"Luke, go and sit outside with your uncles first." Trent told Luke and he nodded and sat outside with his uncles. Trent and Mr. Caldwell sat down, facing each other.

"Mr. Bell, I assume you already know why I called you here." Mr. Caldwell started off. "Your nephew punched his classmate which happened to be my son also. Tell me, is there any problem that he's facing through right now?"

Trent was startled by his question but tried to act calm. He leaned back on the back of his chair, "Well, his mother left him to me because of some family problems." He said carefully, trying not to slip Luke's secret out of his mouth and prayed that Mr. Caldwell wouldn't notice that he was hiding something from him.

"Oh, now that explains why. Mr. Bell, I would like to advise you to talk and listen to your nephew's problems. And now, to be fair with the other students here, especially to my son, Luke has to be suspended for one week."


Trent went outside of the office and walked towards Luke and the other guys. "He suspended me, right?" Luke said and Trent nodded.

"Luke, we're going to talk once we get home, okay?" He said and Luke nodded in return with a sad and disappointed expression on his face. Then they went to the studio and Luke didn't get the chance to argue with it because he's too annoyed and disappointed with himself about what happened at school a while ago.

"Luke, I know you're disappointed but just keep your mind off from it for now, okay?" Zach said as he ruffled his hair.

"Okay Uncle Zach." Luke said and then they went into the studio and the knot inside his stomach went back again as for he saw Tim.

"Hello guys. Hello Luke." Tim greeted and this time his eyes flashed an intimidating stare at Luke and Luke knew what he was trying to do and then suddenly, he noticed his ring. It has a green stone. And in an instant, Tim punched Trent on the face. Zach and Will tried to stop him but they were no match for him and they were still beaten by Tim. Julian and Jayden tried to stop him too but again, he overpowered them.

He turned to Luke who was standing and shaking in fear but he tried to remain brave for as long as he could. "I really don't want to kill you but since you already know my secret, I have to remove you from the picture, saviour of Pluto." He said to him.

"I knew it! You are an enemy!" Luke said then he ran towards him but Tim flashed him his ring and the green stone shone brightly and suddenly, Luke felt weak and fell on the floor. Tim pulled his hair, "But don't worry Luke, I'll just do this quickly. I guarantee you with no pain at all." He said and then he smashed his head on the floor and blood started coming out of his head--- The first time that he bleed.

He lifted his fist but then Luke managed to get the vase from the table and smashed it onto his head and as Tim weakened while wincing in pain, he took the opportunity to get his ring. He got his hand and quickly got the ring and used all his strength and threw it across the room.

"No! My ring!!!" Tim said and this time, he stood up and closed his eyes and suddenly, flames just suddenly appeared out of nowhere. He smirked at Luke as he turned to The Collective who were all lying unconsciously on the floor and closed his eyes as if he was concentrating on burning them. Luke ran over to them and hugged them, his back turned to him and then the flames started to consume his back but instead of being in pain, he just felt heat and before he knew it, the flames bounced back off to Tim, leaving him there, consumed by his own power.

Trent opened his eyes as he coughed up because of the smoke inside the room. "LUKE!!!" He called out to him. Luke turned to him, "Uncle Trent!" He said as he went towards him. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah..." He replied and then Zach and William regained their consciousness and started coughing up.

"Jaydo... Wake up! Wake up!" William said as he slapped Jayden lightly on his cheek to wake him up.

"It's useless to wake him up. He and Julian probably inhaled some toxic gas." Zach said. And so, they all helped each other to get out of the building and along the way, the firefighters saw them and helped them get out of the building. As soon as they were out of the building, they were bombarded with questions from the media but they ignored them and quickly went in the ambulance and drove to the hospital.

While waiting for Julian and Jayden to be treated by the doctors, the rest of The Collective together with Luke waited outside the emergency room. Finally, they saw Jayden and Julian being transferred into their rooms and the doctors told them that their conditions are all stable and all they have to do is to wait for them to wake up.

"Thank you Luke." Trent said to Luke.

"For what?" Luke asked.

"For saving us. Thank you again." William finished for Trent and then they all hugged him. Luke knew that this moment of relief is just temporary because he knew that there are still other meteor freaks like Tim out there and from then on, he promised to himself that he would protect them no matter what happens.


Okay... So this is my first time writing a fantasy fan fiction. I hope you guys are enjoying this one so far. What do you guys think of this chapter? I'll follow back here on Wattpad the first three people who gives a comment.

Much love,


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