15 - Here

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Dan's Pov

One week

I only had one week left until he was born

PJ, Chris, Tyler and Troye were coming over as Tyler and Troye decided to stay in the UK until my and Phil's baby was born as they all seemed pretty excited

They were coming over today for a Halloween party or well a small gathering at our house where we going to eat pizza

I walked up to mine and Phil's room before feeling a sharp pain causing me to scream in pain

"Phil! Phil! I need you!" I screamed as a puddle started to form

"Dan! What is it!" He shouted running into our room and I just stood there looking at me and I felt another sharp pain

"Oh Dan" he rushed over to me as I was sat on the floor he picked me up and lifted me onto the bed

"What do I" Phil panicked

"I don't know call Sally, get towels I don't know" I said as I groaned in pain 

He rushed out the room as I tried to get my jeans off which I got about to my knees before I felt another pain and Phil rushed in

"Dan I've got some towels" Phil said placing them over a bed and he kept a small blue blanket

"Phil were going to be dads soon" I said

"Yeah Dan you can do this I'm calling Sally now" said Phil grabbing my hand as I squeezed him tightly

"Hello Sally yes we need you right now!"

Phil said urgently as I felt another pain which hurt more and he put the phone on speaker phone

"Guys I will come but there is lots if traffic because of this Halloween parade"

"What are we supposed do" Phil asked panicking

"Well-" the phone cut off

"Phil why did you do this to me" I moaned

"I don't know" he panicked as the door bell rang

"Dan stay calm I'll get rid if them"

"P-Phil can you take my jeans and boxers off I t-think that the baby will be here soon" I panted

Phil nodded taking then off quickly stroking my forehead

"Not long till he's here Dan" he said kissing me as he left running to answer the door

I heard Tyler then PJ and Chris and Troye

I felt a big contraction and I could feel the baby almost here

"Phil! It's coming! Now!" I screamed as I heard the door slam and Phil rushed upstairs

"Phil!" I screamed as he rushed next to me as I pushed

"Dan the head is here!" He said happily tears

"I can't carry on" I said helplessly

"Dan if you stop our baby will die"

The gave me some motivation and I gave one last push and I felt the pain go away and crying filled the room

"Oh Dan" said Phil choking up "he's beautiful"

"Yeah" I said tiredly as Phil cut the umbilical cord and wrapped him up in a blue blanket and handed me him and covered me so I was presentable and came and sat next to me

He was very light and adorable and he looked up at me with his bright bluey green eyes and some dark brown hair

"He has your eyes Phil" 

"He's so pretty, I'm so proud of you Dan I'm so lucky to have you" Phil said crying

"Who's the emotional one now" I said laughing

Suddenly the door burst open

"Happy Birthday Dil" said Tyler, Troye, Chris and PJ all at the same time but not too loudly

"Wait he's name is Dil right?" Asked Tyler

I looked over at Phil smiling and he nodded happily

"Yeah" I said leaning in Phil's shoulder as I stroked Dil's cheek

"Dan you look really tired" said Chris

"Yeah well I've just gave birth so yeah naturally I'm tired"

"Well we'll leave you guys" said Troye

"Yeah we'll be downstairs" said PJ

They left and the door bell rang

"PJ can you get that it's Sally" Phil shouted

"Phil do you want to hold him?" I asked

His eyes lit up happily and he nodded

The nurse came and sorted me up and told me to rest and wished us luck as she left

"I really love you Dan and our son and one day I think I would like to marry you"

"Aww Phil I would like to marry you too" I said truthfully

Dil looked up at us as if to say I want you two to get married

And I couldn't be happier

I finally had a family


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