3 - Choices

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Dan's Pov


"FUCK YOU!" He added

That hurt but was true but I had no choice I wanted nothing more than to run back into the apartment an hug Phil and comfort him

But I couldn't I was with Charlie and he was jealous of Phil you could easily see that and he was hot and I did like him he kind of reminded me of Alex from target

But Phil was my best friend

Phil or Charlie?

Phil would live right?

We reached the restaurant, guess I chose Charlie then

I would see Phil later anyways

Phil's Pov

I stayed on the couch crying for a while then I had, had enough

Of Everything

I ran into the bathroom in search of my razor I couldn't find it but I found Dan's and decided to use it anyway

I hadn't been happy in awhile especially with my mum being ill and being stressed about YouTube and going on tour

I ran into my room and sat on the floor dragging the blade across my arm multiple times as the room started to spin and I heard the front door open

"Phil!?" I heard Dan call

"Dan...?" I said before blacking out into a world of darkness

Dan's Pov

"Dan...?" I heard

"Phil!" I shouted running around our apartment

I stopped infront of his room and knocked

"Phil? Can I come in?" I asked

No response

I came in and it was very dark and I switched the light on and saw Phil lying on the floor and his arm was covered in long deep cuts which where bleeding badly I rushed over and held him close checking his pulse

He was alive still

I shakily reached for my phone seeing some texts from Charlie saying things like I love you babe, your adorable and hot I smiled and wanted to reply but instead I called the ambulance and they arrived pretty quickly and I stayed with him until he went into his hospital room and I wasn't aloud in until a nurse came out

"Hi I'm Dan, Phil's best friend can I go see him please"

"Phil doesn't want ANY visitors"

"Please" I begged

"Fine go in" she sighed

I ran in to see Phil turned over on the bed

"Hi Phil"

"Go away Dan"

"Nice to see you too"

"Go back to your stupid boyfriend Dan you care about him more"

"Phil I had too otherwise..."

"I don't care Dan"

"Phil I did save you from dying y'know"

"Yeah but I wanted to die Dan!" He said then went quiet realising what he had said

"Phil are you depressed?"

"I don't even know any more" he whispered

He started to cry and I sat beside him but he flinched away

I wished everything was normal here we best friends and he wasn't scared of me

I walked out the room and told the doctor what Phil had said and they thanked me and told me I would have to keep a close eye on him and make sure he has some tablets to make him ok

Phil was allowed home finally and he seemed very off and flinches when I touch him


"Yeah Phil what's up?"

"When it's my mums funeral can you come with me?"

"Sure Phil anything for you and also Tyler and Troye are coming in like 2 days to stay I forgot to say" he looked at me and smiled

"#Troyler!" We screamed (yeah stay tuned for Troyler coming soon)

My phone went off and I saw it was Charlie I frowned

What! Why? I wondered I really liked him

I think


"Helloooooo Dan you in there?" Said Phil clicking his fingers sassily while I was staring into space

"Yeah just thinking I'm kinda hungry want Chinese? I'll go get it"

"Yeah ok"

"But first Phil have your tablet"

"Okay" he said as he grabbed a tablet and water having it quickly while I watched

"Kay so I'll be back in like 10 bye Phil"

"Byeee!" He called back as I left

Phil seemed to be happier but I knew I needed to keep a close eye on him I couldn't lose him even it is does make Charlie mad because I stay with Phil lots but Phil is cute and needs me


I was lost in my thoughts and bumped into Charlie who was smoking outside the Chinese

"Well hello Danny I see you've been hanging around with that Phil to much and you know what would happen" he said smirking

"No! Charlie he's ill you don't understand!" I protested

"I don't care! Your coming with us" he said as a group of guys appeared from nowhere (obviously wizards or something)

I started to cry silently as they dragged me away and I had one word on my mind


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